As noted above, clipping anything to the anchor line, whether it's your deco bottles or a line to navigate back to the anchor line, is just a bad idea as lines to pull lose and you don't want anything you'll potentially need attached to it. If you feel the need to place a reel for navigation back to the anchor line or to drop tanks at the anchor line, tie them off to something a few feet up current of the line, so it's close but not attached to the line, and less likely to get snagged if the hook does come loose.
A far better approach however is to just keep the stage, travel gas or deco bottles on you in OW. If you are going to penetrate the wreck and need a smaller profile, then remove them and place them near your point of entry where you do the primary tie off for your guideline. That will ensure that you can find the tanks again on exit (provided you turn and exit along your guideline).
Leaving tanks near the anchor line has resulted in more than a few diver deaths and injures when the divers were unable to either navigate back to the anchor line, or unable to swim back to the line in a strong current. The larger the wreck and/or the deeper the water and/or the stronger the potential current and/or the lower the viz could be, the dumber this practice becomes.
War grave issues aside, penetrating the U-352, or any submarine requires a great deal of skill, experience and training to do it safely. One of the posts above almost makes it sound like a swim through. It's not. It's serious business with some serious silt and entanglement risks.