Diverite Transpac II

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First of - to answer the original questions -

1) Yeah - then I got a back plate and now the Transpac is for sale!
2) Nope - Mine are brand new - beew in the water twice and got taken off.
3) yes
4) IF you are wearing 24 lbs of weight and we assume you are relatively close you neutral - then you need 24 lbs of lift to float your rig - add some to keep your head over water and you are set... so - maybe a 36 lbs wing would do the trick... (Hmm, I think Halcyon makes one...).

Now - to get back to TM's masochistic approach to misinformation - SLASH.

There I have flamed you appropriately - you know very well what all is completely flawed in your statements and there is no reason for me to point it out...
I am happy that you have such a great sense of humor!

Big T
What harness setups are you guys using? Which Cumberbun?

Looks like they have quite a few options.

Is the SPORT cumberbun nice? (goes all the way around).

And how do you use the REC wing with a single? Is there a piece that flattens out one of the bladders, etc.?

(great thread by the way)
hey cybordolphin,

Well, I have to tell you that I took the cumberbund off - I find it very restrictive and annoying, I also removed the weight pockets promptly - just don't care for them...

The Rec wing is pretty much for a single - although you can dive it with a double set if you want - when you get the BC it will be setup for singles...
Do NOT get double bladders - you do not need them. It's just more junk for you to try to streamline and keep under control....

Big T
There comes a time in someone's dive career when they decide to get their first bcd or upgrade to a better/newer model. Why not get the Best? Diverite makes this easy with the Transpac 2.

The Transpac is a custom bcd that is a very versatile and excels when used for any diving application. Its more streamlined and comfortable than anything. It has one of the BEST integrated weight systems out there which sits on or behind the hips floating you more upright, 7 different bladders to choose from (rec wing is the best for all types of diving), easy to travel with, tons of adjustment, it handles single tanks, and doubles with use of the optional stabilization plates, crotch strap should be mandatory. You get it with the options you want. It even has a limited lifetime warranty.

I've used it with singles, and a ton of technical dives, some in excess of 250ft. For Trimix and cave dives I prefer my backplate and harness because its even a little less bulky, but for someone looking for the best of both worlds this is it. You have a choice Diverite or Halcyon. Thats it! The Transpac beats everyone else Oms, Zeagle, Dacor, DUI, SeaQuest, etc. You name it. The others are far too bulky and not as nice to wear, trap air and just get in the way. You want mimal material on you. Take a serious look at the competitors bcds and you'll see what I mean.

Diverite is the original company for tech gear, and have made a strong impact into recreational diving as well. They know what works and stand behind it.

I've sold more Transpac's in Canada than anyone, and I've upgraded over a dozen people to Transpacs from the other leading brands. I've dove every other bc out there and Diverite and Halcyon are the 2 best around!

You don't even have to worry about air trapping, or oral inflation problems because they don't exist even though Diverite has wings with a shock chord gusset control.

A bc is something you'll have to live with your whole diving career, might as well make it a fun career. Get good stuff, Diverite!

Originally posted by Lost Yooper
Why buy two when you can buy one. Get a BP and Halcyon wing and be done with it. :wink: :)

Two what?
You got it Cyberdolphin. I can't see buying a "sub optimal" $600 "tech" BC and a BP/wing. :wink: :D

Relax, guys. I was just ribbin' the new guy. :tease: :p

Originally posted by Lost Yooper
You got it Cyberdolphin. I can't see buying a "sub optimal" $600 "tech" BC and a BP/wing. :wink: :D

Relax, guys. I was just ribbin' the new guy. :tease: :p

Just who are you quoting with your "sub-optimal" comment, and what, specifically do you consider "sub-optimal" on the Transpac II?
Well Rick, I obviously wasn't quoting anyone. In fact, I was simply trying to rib you guys a bit. You obviously know what I don't like about those type of BC's. We've discussed the subject time and time again.

"Sub optimal" equates to anything other than a BP/harness, and Halcyon wing. :tease: :D :wink: See those smilies? It means I'm ribbin' all you guyz :rolleyes:.


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