Self Reliant Diver--On All Dives.
Hey, Markmud, I think if you go back and look, you'll find that federal waters extend out to 200 miles (for all intents and purposes) and the required signals are alpha flag/ball/diamond/ball during the day denoting restricted maneuverability, and red/white/red at night, also denoting restricted maneuverability, which is the same as IMO requirements for international waters. State waters of Florida are 3 miles in the Atlantic and 9 miles in the Gulf, and the rules are a rigid dive flag (red with a diagonal white stripe) of appropriate size. There is lots of room for improvement in the regulations, but as has been noted, it doesn't matter if the dive flag is as big as the boat, if the operator isn't paying attention, size doesn't matter.
As big as the Spree is, I still have pleasure craft cut my bow and stern with 4' X 6' Alpha and dive flags flying, and the worst offender is other charter dive boats. Of course, when you get your license from a cracker jack box, it's to be expected.
Hi Wookie,
Thanks for getting in the weeds and explaining the law succinctly. I got lazy and felt that most people who would read my post would either know the law and demarcation lines, as you do, or they wouldn't know.
You and I are on the same page regarding most operators ignoring nav rules and common sense.
You and I also concur about most so-called skippers getting their CG license from a cracker jack's box.
A trip on your vessel is definitely on my bucket list.