Scuba Baby
Well, it's nice for you to only be concerned with your own hard earned money paid for a dive, however maybe at some point you'll consider that the other 4-5 divers along with you also paid for the dive with their hard earned money, and they might be concerned with their bottom time and making the most of their dive, even if you aren't.
Cut short enough dives and sooner or later you'll experience getting gentle tips from the other divers your diving with on how to extend your bottom time on the next dive.And if you don't take them you'll likely find yourself with a different group of divers the next day, wondering why you're not diving with the group you were with the day before.
This is why the most basic principle of a dive op separating dive groups by experience is so desired by experienced divers, and why experienced divers seek out dive ops who do so and dive ops like Aldora in Cozumel who put a heavy breather on the tether. Maybe you don't know it, but Aldora is one of the most expensive dive ops on Cozumel, if not the most expensive, and yet they have no shortage of customers willing to pay extra to dive with them. They are regarded as one of the most saftey minded dive ops on Coz and most progressive. They have single handedly saved many a dive vacation because they have slowly and safely openned up diving on the east coast of cozumel, being the only dive op out of over 200 on cozumel that can get a diver out to dive when the west side is closed to all divers.
I understand your points. I am not sure how this place everyone diving in a group? So, you're not going out on your own with a buddy? I was thinking if I was with my buddy only that is the only person who I would affect their bottom time, or that they would affect my bottom time. If everyone has to go as a group that changes it.
I can't help it if I don't like it...that's just the way I feel. I didn't like the way it looked on the video. That's me. I guess if it weren't me tethered onto that DM's Octo, I wouldn't be as concerned. But, I don't want to be with him.