Using a CCR is "purdy safe," too, and is less limiting. It's just not as safe as OC, which is more limiting. Hence my question about why anyone's getting under water on OC when snorkeling is safer, cheaper, and lets you see more or less the same stuff in shallow depths. Sure, you can't stay under as long, but that's the same difference between CC and OC and you guys are all about safety first.
The things you own end-up owning you (the fixation with the rebreather possibly in your case, but I have been through that phase myself).
Somewhat harder to become enthused with a snorkel, than a rebreather, and the snorkel does not make you unconscious underwater without warning.
---------- Post added October 16th, 2014 at 03:28 PM ----------
No Giana, risk increases with complacency. It is well documented that highly experienced people are more apt to become complacent than newbies. There is no need for that to happen if you are disciplined with respect to your processes and procedures. But unfortunately it does happen to some.
I think with rebreathers maybe some people become more comfortable with them after the first 25 - 50 hours, but being more comfortable does not necessarily lead to being complacent, or inattentive, or sloppy.
If you know personally some of the people who died, and read the emails which they left behind about their dives and preparations, these people were not complacent.
They were trained, attentive, meticulous, professional, and yet they went from healthy and fit one day, to dead the next with no certain explanation while using a rebreather.
Now, let us even assume that ALL rebreather fatalities, like this one, were due solely to the human factor (error, complacency, call it what you want - "not the rebreather").
Is the risk of using a rebreather worth its use for ordinary dives which can be done on Air or Nitrox?
Whilst no system is fool-proof, should not the known design problems which have lead to fatalities be engineered out (or if you wish the unit be designed to take into account these human weaknesses in the first place)?
Economically alone (cost per dive), Air or Nitrox OC is superior to rebreather for the type of dives where this poor soul met his demise.