Diver lost in cave in Florida/Homossassa...

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hat myspace blog listed above that is supposed to be this guy's is a sick joke right? Surely an instructor whould not put up such a blog. Here are some quotes from it:
MySpace.com - Project 1100 - 39 - Male - CRYSTAL RIVER, Florida - www.myspace.com/worldrecorddive

About me:
My name is Jim, I have been a scuba diver since 1985 and have dove all over the world. I have dove to depths greater than 600 feet as a technical diver and my only regret has been that I have not gone even deeper. The current world record depth for a scuba dive is 1,044 feet, held by a South African diver. I intend to break that record in 2008. Together with some of the most experienced technical divers in the world, I intend to dive from the surface to a depth of 1100 feet, thus the name Project 1100. It's going to be phisicaly taxing, life threatening, and moderately expensive. Any help that any of you can give, either through dive knowledge or monetary contribution will be appreciated and recognized. Together let's unravel a little more of the mystery that makes up the other three quarters of our world.

September 4, 2007 - Tuesday

going deep

GOING DEEP for Ocean Preservation

We live in a carefully ballanced world and unlike the other species we share it with, we have no idea how to live in harmony with it. We get so wrapped up in our daily lives that we forget to ensure the future survival of mankind by ensuring the survival of our ecosystem of which the primary componant is our oceans. I've developed this project to bring attention back to the health of our oceans before it is too late for humanity. Remember our planet will survive even if it has to kill us all to do it.


today's deep dive was usually uneventfull, moving to 300 feet next week on the way to the 1100 foot dive record tentatively planned for August of 2008. next week still puts me over 300 feet away from my personal deepest, however I'm planning for the world record at 1100 feet, so i think my decision to start relatively shallow (for super deep dive standards) is sound practice. Remember I DO NOT HAVE A DEATH WISH, i intend to walk away from this 1100 dive with the record and unharmed. Thank you to everyone who has offerred to lend a helping hand, know that your contribution is appreciated.



Scouted out a hole here off the gulf coast of Florida, initial sonar depth readings put the hole at over 300 feet, excellent news for training . . .it's a cavern dive though . . .very dark, smal entrance, dont know if there's a cave network, I guess I'll know tomorrow or the next day, weather dependent . . .I'll keep you all informed.


*************From a couple of folks who left notes on the site:


Oct 1 2007 3:11 PM

RIP Jim...you were a GREAT friend..and I will miss you!!


Oct 1 2007 1:30 PM

You are the love of my life and always will remain in my heart and soul. We were soul mates and you did break the record my love. I will miss you...I love you sooosooo soooo very much....the birds are together in pairs today...
Hmm is this the "hole" he went into? It all seems kind of weird, and it is still sad that these events had to happen. It just proves the point, that the first rule of diving is plan your dive and dive your plan.

Happy diving!
It may have been his plan to explore the hole.
Well, he sure went about it the wrong way in every sense.

I'm curious....unless the hole is straight down how will sonar/bottom finders give a accurate bottom depth?
It may have been his plan to explore the hole.

It seems like it was "while I am here I might as well take a look" kind of plan. Definitely not geared or planned when you have 2 students hanging out waiting on you. It's just bad bad bad any way you look at it. :shakehead: I am just beginning in my cavern training and this whole accident doesn't feel right from the getgo. There are still some pieces missing and hopefully we will see the statements by the other divers.

Happy diving!
After reading his myspace page it seems he was also pretty full of himself. That man, myth, legend thing is a little too much. Perhaps it was this cowboy attitude that also contributed to the death. I had never heard of this project 1100 and wonder at the motivation behind it. Is it truly for exploration/science or just bragging rights(again the myth, legend thing). Anyway what was someone who presumingly did everything right as far as prep, gear, etc on a dive to 300 feet(allegedly) doing taking two students into a hole, crack, cavern, cave, whatever, then abandoning them to go off on his own to do what? Look around? Totally irresponsible move and had something happened to one of the students and he survived then what? I see big lawsuit, possible negligence charges, loss of instructor credentials, loss of dive business, and who would invest in his 1100 scheme after that? This guy for whatever reason was not thinking rationally.
... IT very easily could have been 3 fatalities.

I am glad it was not worse.

Only the dead knows exactly what went wrong and in what order.

Sorry he died.
My prayers go out to the Family and friends and to the TWO Students as well.
The one thing I saw while reading thru all the stuff on the thread was the students said he turned and then caused silting in the cavern. (Quote not verbatim)

Again , I have NEVER dove the overheads out there but with NO LINE to lead you back out...???!!! :confused::11::(
And possibly no training in how to follow a line out of a silted out cavern (assumption here)

UFFDA...So sad , so very sad.


P.S. It becomes more evident to me day by day WHY our Cave Instructors train us the way they do. Oh Lord , KEEP ME PRUDENT , ALWAYS PRUDENT.
We knew about his project 1100 on sun,i really dont think he had done 600 ft,maybe but nobody around had heard about it.He had been in that hole before.There is a rough poly line that runs down into the hole,from the looks of it no one should rely on.This cave is only around 110ft not much else.very simply got silted up lost the only line in there and basically turned up and missed the exit.He decended alone the other two guys stayed above him and were already headed out of the cavern.He basically 5 of the 3 mistakes that kill you in a cave.I had talked to the guy quite a bit,he knew all the divers on the team and we didnt think it was the same guy until it was confomed.
hat myspace blog listed above that is supposed to be this guy's is a sick joke right? Surely an instructor whould not put up such a blog. Here are some quotes from it:
MySpace.com - Project 1100 - 39 - Male - CRYSTAL RIVER, Florida - www.myspace.com/worldrecorddive


*************From a couple of folks who left notes on the site:
Oct 1 2007 3:11 PM
RIP Jim...you were a GREAT friend..and I will miss you!!

Oct 1 2007 1:30 PM
You are the love of my life and always will remain in my heart and soul. We were soul mates and you did break the record my love. I will miss you...I love you sooosooo soooo very much....the birds are together in pairs today...

Since you posted this, the comments on that blog have changed. The one from KaReN is gone and the one from LoRi now says, "That ****ing hole took your life and my love from me......I will miss you terribly...I am suffering and can't stop the pain...I will be in pain until I see you again in the next life....you are in my heart and soul and I am left as a nobody....your are my one true love and I knew it a long time ago....I am going out to visit that hole and bless it....that ****ing hole!!!!!!!!!!!!Posted by LoRi on October 6, 2007 - Saturday at 5:19 PM

Odd that it would change.

Condolences go out to family and friends, as well as the students. I'm glad nothing happened to them as well.

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