Well, I don't know about the "exponential something or other" or about the "1^/ whatever" but I do know that last year, I was diving with my son & a student when lightning hit the lake about 100 yards from where we were. It passed up all them TALL, TALL trees around the shore & hit the low, low water in the cove. We all were "jolted" pretty good. I had a headache for a couple of hours & my tounge tingled for a while.
Even though we were about 100 yards away from where it hit, IT STILL HURT!!!
My daughter, the smart one who skipped that dive because of the storm clouds WAY, WAY, WAY off, was sitting in the vehicle when she saw it hit the water. She is related to her mother so, of course, as soon as we got out of the water, said "I TOLD YOU SO". Sometimes I can't stand smart kids.
Now, I don't dive if it even LOOKS like it is even THINKING about lightning.