Diver killed- (and update)

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I think I'll get one of my mad scientist friends to invent a dive flag with an audible alert, which would sound a horn when something encroaches on the 100 yard radius of the flag/beacon.
I think I'll get one of my mad scientist friends to invent a dive flag with an audible alert, which would sound a horn when something encroaches on the 100 yard radius of the flag/beacon.

Let me be the first purchaser.....awaiting info....
I was diving at that site a few hours before this terrible accident.
Heartfelt condolences to this childs' family and friends.
Defensive in the water.
A) License every boater in the state of florida
B) Start a boater education campaign
C) Ban divers from entering off their beaches-the same as their neighbors

Hmmm, digging around the web and finding the typical applications to car drivers, we see:
When the hit and run accident involves injury to another person, penalties are much more severe. The driver may face fines, DMV points, prison time and a revocation of his or her driver's license and/or insurance policy. Most states' laws require a minimum of liability insurance to be able to register an automobile.

Fines in both cases may be made greater depending on the circumstances surrounding the incident. If it occurs in a construction zone or lower speed zone, fines may be doubled.

Hit and run accidents where a death occurs are considered felonies by law. These exist when the driver fails to stop, identify, or render assistance to the victim, regardless of whose fault the accident is. People involved in any type of motor vehicle accident where injury or damage occurs are required to remain at the scene until police arrive.

So, do we commonly see this kind of penalty in boating incidences?
Yes or no? or do we call for additional legislation?

Currently, the regs I found are not very specific.
From http://www.boatsafe.com/Florida/index.htm

Accident Reporting:

Any accident involving death, disappearance or personal injury, or damage greater than $500 must be reported. A "boating accident" includes, but is not limited to, capsizing, collision, foundering, flooding, fire, explosion and the disappearance of a vessel other than by theft. Accidents should be reported immediately. Report accidents by the quickest means possible to one of the following: the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, the sheriff of the county in which the accident occurred, or the police chief of the municipality in which the accident occurred, if applicable.

It is unlawful for any person operating a vessel involved in a boating accident to leave the scene without giving all possible aid to the involved persons and without reporting the accident to the proper authorities.

This might be the incidence to push the need for penalties into the spotlight.
Hmmm, digging around the web and finding the typical applications to car drivers, we see:

So, do we commonly see this kind of penalty in boating incidences?
Yes or no? or do we call for additional legislation?

Currently, the regs I found are not very specific.
From http://www.boatsafe.com/Florida/index.htm

This might be the incidence to push the need for penalties into the spotlight.

Yes, and if this had been a "hit and run" on I-95, TV's talking heads would tell us about the "manhunt taking place."

Is this incident less newsworthy because it involves recreation?

Yes, and if this had been a "hit and run" on I-95, TV's talking heads would tell us about the "manhunt taking place."

Is this incident less newsworthy because it involves recreation?


The way they try to prevent this is by prohibiting pedestrians on I-95.

I'm afraid that their solution may be to keep boats and divers apart. A line of buoys 75 yards out, beach users are not allowed past the buoys, boats are not allowed closer than 100 yards to the beach. Problem solved!

If you want to dive the reef that starts 125 yards out, take a boat, may be their simplistic solution.

I really don't see local politicians regulating beach diving as a good thing. That's what will happen if there is a hue and cry about divers being run over by boats. Their lawyers will raise the issue of the city being sued, another beach closed to divers.
Perhaps a nice length of chain run between two just slightly submerged 55 gallon barrels (chain pulled tight), sever sets randomly set out on the reefline, would discourage wayward boaters from racing down the shallowest point.

I wonder what could be done to chase them off Venice beach a little further...

I still find it amazing that with 2000 miles between FL and Mexico folks have to run 50-100 yards off the beach... or on the East coast, 100+ miles to the next island... Its a big friggin OCEAN/GULF.. use some of it! Whats the use in having a boat if your going to drive that close to the beach.
I am seriously looking into buying a new PWC and outfitting it with dive gear and weaponry. According to the castle legislation as well as felony laws, I have the right to use deadly force in the prevention of a forcible felony. Vehicular homicide sounds like a forcible felony. So does manslaughter. All I have to say is, if one of these idiots ever injures or kills one of my family members, they will NOT live to see morning if they don't go to prison. I would much rather focus on education for the unknowing, but the uncaring will do as they will unless someone SERIOUSLY changes their beliefs.
Hmmm,... a rented condo on the third floor overlooking the beach. A diveflag placed at 300 yards in the water. A .50 BMG with hollow points. Problem solved. It's only a matter of time before these comments become justified to some crazy out there whose family member gets chewed up by a speedboat prop. PTSD would be MY excuse!
Somewhat of a hijack - but definately related... Can you recommend a specific good industrial strength dive flag bouy?

When I go down to flordia or check online - all I see are these puny flags with styrofoam balls, that stick up maybe 2'. Certainly not something that could take a bit of abuse, or catch anyones attention at 100yrds....

There are some flags that use sort of an upside down bell for a float; I have one of those. That float will support the 20" size dive flag required for boats. I think, however, that asides from that, I'm going to get one of those 6' yellow safety sausages that say "DIVER DOWN" and see if that only makes a bigger slalom obstacle, or if it actually helps.

The boaters here are just plain idiots; like the guy who almost snatched the line of my flag with his prop the last time I dove the Jacks (a little over 1 yr ago), and the other guy who drove his boat half way inland from the end of the Commercial Pier about the same time ago. That's why I like my shore diving spot in Pompano Beach. The only two potential hazzards are the parasail boat and the rental waverunners, who are both owned by the same business, and who does advise about diver down flags (I'm a witness to it). I believe though, that some of the blame falls on the operators that rent PWC's to people, and who do not bother to explain the rules of the shore...there's just too many people willing to pay $55 - $75 for a 1/2 hour rental and who only care about going fast on those things.

The idea of a shore observer is excellent. I'd suggest a nice pair of binoculars and a cell phone with the county sheriff's, FWCC's, and the USCG's numbers on speed dial. See a violation, call the authorities. If the schools have ZERO TOLERANCE for weapons, we divers should also have it with these idiots.

Just my .02 psi
It looks like the problem will solve itself at Dania Beach, they are proposing the contracting of their lifeguard services to the same company that does Hallandale Beach-------No going past the buoys! It's a money saving idea not a safety idea.

Dania's beachgoers are concerned because Ellis' company policy is to keep all swimmers within boundaries that are designated by buoys.

They say the beach attracts pier fishermen, scuba divers, surfers and others who spend time outside those boundaries.

At a workshop in August, Jeff Ellis explained that to save lives at Dania's beach, swim zones would be designated so that lifeguards can reach their victims within three minutes using water scooters and rescue boards.

He said that lifeguards would not leave their zones unattended to save
someone who was not following the rules.

"We are going to do everything in our power to not let anyone swim outside of the zones," said Bethany Gilley, a swimming program manager
with Jeff Ellis & Associates.

That really gets me angry, I moved to Dania so I could be 5 minutes from a good shore diving spot. Now some company from texas is roping off the ocean to make it easy for their contracted lifeguards.

Mayor Ann Castro acastro@ci.dania-beach.fl.us
Vice Mayor Patricia Flury pflury@ci.dania-beach.fl.us
Commisioner Robert Antonbanton@ci.dania-beach.fl.us
Commisioner John Bertino jbertino@ci.dania-beach.fl.us

If you like diving off of Dania and want to continue to do so I suggest you let these people know how you feel.
"We are going to do everything in our power to not let anyone swim outside of the zones," said Bethany Gilley, a swimming program manager
with Jeff Ellis & Associates. QUOTE]

The key there is "in thier power." What is their power? Can they enforce it or can they merely give you a guilt trip? I'm not a huge fan of regulations being set to the lowest denominator, ie ignorance.

I plan on relocating down there soon and believe me, I will be the loudest voice down there concerning these types of regs and will start with the emails you provided.

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