i on the other hand would suggest that when about to get married, looking/increasing your policies and updating your beneficiaries would be quite normal
Really? A show of hands here: how many people on this board who, before even getting married, in their early twenties, sought to increase their future spouse's life insurance policies and make sure that the benficiaries were correct????
In the NBC piece, they had an insurance expert say that this isn't normal AT ALL, in fact, most people at this age only have life insurance through their work (as I believe was the case here) and otherwise wouldn't think about it. He pointed out that very rarely do couples of this age consider their life insurance status.
For two young people, both employed, the need for life insurance, especially large policies, is low priority to say the least and, I wager, most people who have been married for years either don't have much life insurance or, if they do, couldn't tell you what the pay out was.
The motive in this case is immaterial. What is irrefutable are the following:
1) he lied about his battery being in backwards
2) he lied about his ascent rate, to a ridiculuous extent
3) he changed his version of events at least twice
4) where he says he left his wife is inconsistent with where they found her
5) he never called her family and never asked to go to her as she died (he was on another boat)...the family found out about her death 12 hours later from the authorities
Forget the diving aspect and consider this:
what if she had fallen into a ravine and he told police he
immediately went for help when, in reality, his cell phone GPS system showed he left the ravine and then went and sat in a diner for twenty minutes before summoning help? You would assume he wanted her dead, accidental fall or not. Why is this different?
Instead of immediately going to the surface as he claimed, his computer
proves he lolly gagged about for something like 20 + minutes as she died on the bottom.
I'm sorry, the battery-backward crock and the lying about his "rocket ascent" would be enough for me, motive or no motive.
I predict he will be convicted.
And if that's "trying people in the media", tough. If it weren't for the glare of the media and the demand for justice by the general public, many possible murders (this one included) would be forgotten and unprosecuted.