Night Diver
cdiver2:I don't beat around the bush or blow smoke up peoples b*tt I tell it like I see it, just like you with the whine about the long running thread. Why did I Pick you out?, again simple thats not your first whine about it in this post, could it be YOU ARE flogging on this?
AS YOU SAID "people can post on this topic all they want" all I am saying if you don't like it running a long time don't read it, I am following the discussion and don't want to have to read about people whining about how long its been going on stick to the topic....Separate it, put your complaint"S into the whine department then I can chose not to read it if I want.
Nice euphemism for being a jerk. You must have had a humor-ectomy, as all you can do is characterize my good-natured needling as a "whine." OK I'll be sure not to make jokes in the future if I see you've weighed in on a thread.
Here's how I see it. You are boorish and rude. Your personal attacks are the equivalent of cutting off someone you don't know in a parking lot. You sit there at your computer in Florida taking whacks at strangers because you don't like their opinions. Put away the tin badge and say something worth reading as opposed to garbage from a cliche book.
No beating around the bush there now is there? Have a nice life.