Nobody has said that the crew was not at fault for leaving him at the first site and making a terrible roll call. They are, and will likely pay for their mistake. All I'm saying is that Dan caused the BOB by his own actions. It is not the crew's fault that Dan seperated from the other divers. It is not the crew's fault that Dan continued to dive for 15-20 minutes without remaining under the rigs. It is not the crew's fault that Dan surfaced away from where all the divers were instructed to do so. It is not the crew's fault that Dan surfaced, saw the boat and decided to float away, expecting the boat to come for him. It is not the crew's fault that Dan was able to get skin cancer while in a full wetsuit and hood while mostly submerged during a foggy morning. It is not the crew's fault that Dan refuses to take responsibility for his own actions. If I sat on the jury, based on evidence presented I would likely find the DM 60% responsible and Dan 40%. I would then vote to award damages based on actual loss. This would include Dan's medical bills, if they are found to be real and caused by the minimal exposure he had that day. I would consider damages for the time spent in the water, but again I would have to consider 40% of that being his own fault. And for Azza,wolf eel:Thats what I was talking about. i find it funny that you would hold me accountable becaue you left me floating and you then check me out at another dive and then after that dive you realize I am not on the boat. You are to blame nobody else. If you had just figured I was not in the group and you had to look for me then all cost to the other divers lost dive I would have to cough up but that did not happen. You left me floating for two dives. I know the Capt is a friend and I commend you but to save face except the fact that he was left at sea and that is all. Even if he is leiing prove it. You can't why because he was check in and out for two dives while doing the BOB at another dive you forgot him at. YOU being the boat not you as in Maxbottomtime.