I was curious how much air you would need to bounce to 115 ft, assuming no safety stop (assume you are and will remain below your NDL - perhaps not realistic, but let's assume).
I did a bounce dive to 115' about 6 weeks ago. It was my second dive of the day, on HP100 tank, and was after a 1:24 SI.
The swim down took one minute and about 109 psi, the return to 40 feet took one minute and another 108 psi, and then the slower ascent, shooting the SMB, and stop at 15, feet took about nine minutes and 1031 psi. 36.2 cubic feet of air total, but most of the air was used on ascent from 40' and the stop.
The long stop was called for by my Suunto Cobra and I ended the dive only after it cleared me to do so. Interestingly, no tissue compartment was more than 43% saturated, so I guess the computer was calling for the stop based on exceeding 100' and on the RGBM.
The other interesting thing is that I burned through the air at a steady rate of about 100 psi per minute, regardless of depth. I think what happened was that the cold water, plus the swim down and back up, got me breathing pretty hard, and kept me breathing hard for a while.
Descent 3191 - 3082
Ascent to 40' 3082 - 2974
Ascent to 15' and stop 2974 - 1943