I am a friend of ... well I am a friend of the girlfriend of the man this article is about, unfortunately... saw this thread while I was searching on Google for the news article, decided I would drop in to maybe learn a thing or two from a scuba diving prospective.
The only info the family has, at least that I am aware of, is that which is in the news articles... so pretty much any questions you have.. no one has the answers for right now.
But a bit more background..
This was his third day on the job. It was his first dive for this company. The previous day the girlfriend was told by the guy he thought they were going to let him dive the next day (... obviously they did). Moreso, he definitely has his scuba license, but he was likely out of practice. It had been a while (I do not know how long) since his last dive. Here is the best question of all, from an employer perspective, WHY THE **** DID YOU SEND THE GUY THAT JUST 'CLAIMED' TO KNOW HOW TO DIVE INTO A TANK, FIRST, AND BY HIMSELF, AND WITHOUT CONSTANT COMMUNICATION. Not to say he didn't know how to dive by any means, I have no knowledge of that matter.. honestly I didn't really know him that well, unfortunately. I thought I would have plenty of time to get to know him.. but something like this happens and you realize how short life can be. But, from an employer perspective, you don't just take someones word for it. You make them show you... not let someone go in unattended.
(I say unattended.. I wasn't there.. but how could he be attended to and have this happen)
The SECOND diver had REGULATOR problems?!?! What the **** did the first dive have. Speculation completely, but perhaps he also had regulator problems and inexperience or out of experience contributed to not handling it appropriately? I was talking with a friend who has scuba experience, and he pointed out that ... something has to have happened, because, why didn't he just.. come up for air. It wasn't THAT deep. And the second diver who.. just.. went up for air and waited around for an hour before anyone got him out?!?!?! hold your ****ing breath and jump in for christ sakes. From what I understand.. you don't really need oxygen to get TO the bottom in 30 feet.. you just need it to stay at the bottom.
This is a contractor company, not a direct hire to the city. It sounds like that could be yet more extremely unfortunate news in terms of any type of benefits from what I've been reading on all the comments from various news posts about this.
I certainly don't have all the details, but it sure sounds like complete negligence by the employer, regardless of how it happened or even if it was 100% his 'fault'.