james croft:Count your blessings. My folks bought me Lawn Darts. My mom would never wear a seatbelt, although I would wear one. Everytime she had to brake hard she would throw her right arm across the seat to keep me from hitting the dash. Totally unnecessary as I was belted in. The usual result was I got a busted lip from being smacked by her arm or she burned me with the cigarette she was holding. They even went as far as buying me a mask with the built in snorkels. That mask was a lot more dangerous than cave diving. Everyone needs a little danger in their life to add spice. Listen to your folks for now, but in a little while you will be able to do your own thing. The caves will always be there .
Um, maybe your parents were trying to tell you something. Did you ever notice that they left roller skates on the stairs or put the hair dryer next to the tub when you took a bath?