I went to check my tanks to see how many turns it took to open. On hand I had 3 thermo valves (similar to what you usually find in Anilao) and 2 old dacor valves. The Dacors took 2 1/2 turns as well as 1 Thermo. The other 2 Thermos took 3 1/2 turns. Given that it took 2 1/2 turns to shut off her valve, I'm not too sure gas flow was the major precipitating factor. She was able to do 16 min descending to 29m with 3 min at depth for a total of 19 min without indicating any issues it seems.
Most modern vales have 2.5-3 turns to be fully open, 2.5 turns is either fully open or half a turn off, either way it should be an issue - unless it was a very old style valves with more turns?
Mine are 21/2 turns also. I never bothered to count them. It just seems that they take forever to close on valve drills and it feels like at least 5 turns.