diver death at Flinkote quarry

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Eastern Townships, Qc, Canada
# of dives
200 - 499
A diver died yesterday in a quarry near my location. The newspaper articles are of course nebulous and sensationalists so i'll wait for more serious information before commenting any further. All I can say is that it's a fantastic quarry with sometimes 100' + viz and depth to more than 250'. The victim was with a buddy who came up to the surface alone. depth of the accident was from 105 to 130' depending on the news source for now. Always sad.

I'll be back with more info later
Close to my location too.
I learned to dive in a dry-suit there.

The facts are very nebulous indeed...For one ting, I don't understand why it took 5 hours to bring him up.
The only thing i could consider is entangelment (other wise, his buddy should have droped his weights)...but at Flinkote, i don't see how...
Close to my location too.
I learned to dive in a dry-suit there.

The facts are very nebulous indeed...For one ting, I don't understand why it took 5 hours to bring him up.
The only thing i could consider is entangelment (other wise, his buddy should have droped his weights)...but at Flinkote, i don't see how...

my toughts exactly. One of the news source indicated he was at 105'. another source mentions 130' (which can only be the ski-doo IMO). Not many entanglement risks there.

One source says his buddy (low on air) got to the surface and went down again to help his buddy. Considering the depth, I really doubt this one. The other source says his buddy tried to give him air and that the victim was not responding (unconcious), then he went up and stayed there after alerting other divers. But then, why not bring him up or at least drop his weight.

But anyway, it's all speculation for now so we'll have more details later I guess.
Any details...?

anyone knows what actually happened ?

I haven't heard anything else yet....
I heard so many different versions that I cant write anything yet. The most credible one is that the accident happened at 130ft so I figure it's at the snowmobile. Some say he was an OW diver and his buddy a tech one. Does anyone else have better info?

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