Diver convicted in wife's drowning

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idoc -Your frustration elevates and things start to get out-of-hand and people start shouting at each other. Don't let that happen. I remember from a previous post you made, that this is something you really don't want to happen.

I don't recall ever posting that I don't want that to happen. I'm all for spirited debate.

Nothing that is written on this thread will change the fact that David Swain is going to likely spend the rest of his life in prison.
Idoc - Spirited debate is one thing - the ability to persuade is completely another which is the ulimate goal of debate. Without the ability to persuade, you accomplish nothing. The art of persuasion is a skill of patience because it is accomplished one finite detail at a time. It requires the ability to listen and not dismissing others' opinions out-of-hand because what you want is to keep them open to listen to you. Even at that, the best you can hope for is to persuade a majority as you will never persuade everyone. You cannot let frustration get the better of you because it impairs your ability to be patient and your ability to listen, and utlimately, your ability to be heard. I would not call your previous post debate - it is an expression of frustration for an inability to persuade.

You have seen many people post here who are not friends of David's who have not been persuaded that the prosecution proved its case. So keep that in mind. Try practicing the art of persuasion, you will find it far more interesting than shouting at people and calling it "debate."

Otherwise.. your last post "Nothing that is written will change the fact.." is a preamble to a proclomation that the debate is over from your perspective and that you have won. I would like to say congratulations and hope you find other debates out there to win with your impressive powers to shout and insult.
Otherwise.. your last post "Nothing that is written will change the fact.." is a preamble to a proclomation that the debate is over from your perspective and that you have won. I would like to say congratulations and hope you find other debates out there to win with your impressive powers to shout and insult.

Well said, and as usual I agree with everything you said, except I don't believe I have insulted anyone?
I find his 2 (or is it 3) supporters, who refute any and all negative evidence, and continue page after page with the same repetitive ad-nausium posts that say the same things "He would never do this, I know him", and "Here's a (ludicrous) scenario that fits all the evidence" and "he didn't get a fair shake in a corrupt system", to be an insult to my intelligence and to those on this board who have been objective and factual.

idoc - this is dismissive and insulting. I do not think that you should speak for how anyone else may feel - it is wrong for you to assert that you know how an entire group of people may or may not feel. I continuously question myself as to whether or not I have at all times, been completely objective. It is not so easy a thing to do. As far as being factual, if you don't have all the facts by having been at the trial or at a minimum, access to the entire trial transcripts, how can anyone put forth that whatever they say is completely factual? What we are doing here is entirely speculative.

I am sitting here laughing my ass off because I'm wondering if you think I was actually saying I thought you won the debate. Consider yourself thoroughly spanked and I expect you to be a good boy from now on.

I am sitting here laughing my ass off because I'm wondering if you think I was actually saying I thought you won the debate. Consider yourself thoroughly spanked and I expect you to be a good boy from now on.

Wait, what??????

I just told everyone in my office that I won a debate on an internet forum and everyone was high fiving me!

Now I'm back at my cubicle, I just read this, and people are walking by giving me the thumbs up and I just don't know what to do and tomorrow is Christmas

iDoc - OK, you made me laugh and laugh pretty hard, so I can't help but end the spanking and let you up back-up off my lap and wish you Merry Christmas. But just remember, trolls will get spanked if they misbehave.

Oh, everything is clear now. You like being spanked. OK, I will accommodate you once in a while, but you've had your Christmas spanking, don't get greedy.

Ok fine.

Merry Christmas to you too K_girl.

I'm going to sneak out of my cubicle now and try to make it to the water cooler without being congratulated for the upteenth time on my "pseudovictory" by one of my my well meaning coworkers that just don't understand the draw and fascination of obscure internet message boards.

Can we please keep the personal conversations, personality conflicts and personal and occupational attacks out of this thread?! There are PM's and ignore buttons for that... We were doing reasonably well for a while there... even before we got sent to the dungeon of forums to die a quiet death...

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