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The Kraken:
Another thing about the PADI divemaster course is that the dives done while working on the certification count toward the 60 required dives.

Keep in mind that the PADI program is a self perpetuating program. If there is no pool of divemasters from which to pull, then the number of instructors will eventually start declining. If the number of instructors starts declining then the number of certifications give out will start declining, therefore revenues will start declining.

Make it too difficult to become a divemaster then you effectively are reducing your future revenues. Make it easier to become a divemaster/instructor then you have the potential to generate more certifications thus increasing revenues.

the K

I understand what you're saying but given that DM's don't get paid at all most of the time and instructors make less than the kids shaking the oil out of the fries at McDonalds my conclusion is that there are *WAY* too many DM's and instructors as it is. IIRC the current count is in excess of 100,000 world wide. Another approach, making it interesting to pursue an actual career in teaching diving would address some of the serious quality issues we have, don't you think? PADI is like a snake biting it's own tail like this.

I can sort of relate to him in a way. I got certified when I was 18 and I wanted to become a divemaster right away too. I had complete faith at the time that I would learn everything I needed to know to be a good DM (or instructor) from the courses.

Somewhere along the way I decided to put it off and ended up doing something like 750 dives before becoming a DM. Given what I know now I don't think anyone should go pro until their own skills are totally squared away. Some will do it faster than others but I think if I was running the world that I would set the bar at 200 dives for DM and 400 for instructor.


Great idea, too bad it won't fly, but I think that something more than a set number of dives should be required.
The link to the PAID Web site above - web site said you only needed 20 logged dived to be a DM not 60 as posted earlier.

I think SSI is 60. The PAID website said PADI is 20.
The link to the PAID Web site above - web site said you only needed 20 logged dived to be a DM not 60 as posted earlier.

I think SSI is 60. The PAID website said PADI is 20.

You can start the course with 20. You need 60 before you can be certified.

Personally I think the prerequisite requirements for D/M should be exponentially greater and even more so those of an instructor.

But do keep in mind I was graduated from a military service aviation school and probably have a much different and severe perspective on such things.

the K
i have just read a post (not on scubaboard) by a youngster with 15 logged dives who wants to do his recue course then divemaster course. surely you need a lot more experience to become a divemaster? i wouldnt feel safe knowing my divemaster has so few dives. I have done over 100 dives and dont feel i can even call myself an advanced diver. what do you think?
Why would you feel safe with your divemaster otherwise? How do you know *any* resort DM is competent, and how much are you depending on them?

Whatever this kids motivation, he's not insurable until he's 18 so he can't get his PADI DM until then. Hopefully he becomes a good diver in the meantime (vs. just logging a bunch of dives and continuing to ride around the sun eighteen times).

Goals aren't necessarily bad, IMO.
I've been with newly certified DMs and other, not so new DMs... You could tell the better DMs were the more experienced ones...

Amigos Del Mar in Belize-- Great guy, Kevin, but just not experienced enough to handle a group of 5 and show us stuff we missed

Under Da Sea in Belize--Alonzo Flota, THOUSANDS of dives...He easily does 2K dives a year, and that experience has made him able to hold down (deco stop) a very bouyant diver (my cuz) while still playing with Groupers...

I'd love to get my DM certification.

But I'm waiting till I have 1000 dives. A good instructor can't teach experience.
Why do you all assume this kid will work on a boat leading divers? Maybe he will start off helping at a pool with confined water divers. Don't you think an 18 year old kid with 60 dives could do a good job helping students on their first day of class assemble their gear the correct way? Don't you think they could help people get weighted properly and assure all the gear was at the pool and in the correct sizes? Don't you think he or she could bring some knowledge and enthusiasm to the class? I sure do. They are not teaching the class, they are an assistant. Divemasters do lots of different things, they are not all out in 100 feet of water performing heroic rescues.

Why does everything have to be so overblown and dramatic here?

I bought the text for the divemaster course during my OW certification, simply because I wanted to know more about what I was doing than anybody wanted to tell me. I can easily see someone new to diving thinking about going through the divemaster cert process JUST for better education, with little or no intention of operating as a professional beyond perhaps assisting with OW classes from time to time. At least, that's all I would ever consider doing.

I was rather stunned during my OW class to discover that one of the DMs helping us had only been diving about a year, though. I couldn't decide whether it was exciting that someone could progress that fast, or unnerving that the person escorting ME into the water had that little experience. I'm still not sure.
Under Da Sea in Belize--Alonzo Flota, THOUSANDS of dives...He easily does 2K dives a year, .

So if he dives six (6) dives a day he gets to take off one (1) day per month. Busy man. rofl :D :D :D

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