Divehaus in Cozumel

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I was glad to find this post. My wife and I will be traveling to Cozumel in July on a trip arranged by our LDS. I was glad to hear the good ratings given to both the Fiesta Americana Cozumel Dive Resort and Dive House.
Hi Everyone,

My hubby and I are going to Cozumel from Feb 1st through Feb 8th and we are staying at the Fiesta Americana. It's an all-inclusive plan -- 7 nights, 8 days...5 days of 2 tank boat dives, unlimited shore diving, meals and beverages. Couple of questions that maybe someone can help with!

1. When we get there...how do we know when/where we need to be the next morning for diving? How does the dive shop know that are package includes the diving? Do we get some kind of punch card that has 5 two tank boat trips?

2. Do they have weekly rental rates on bc's and reg's? Are guages extra? We are still new to diving but have our own fins, masks, snorkels, boots.

3. Do we need wetsuits? Hubby is someone that starts sweating if the temp goes above 60 degrees outside! I start sweating at around 70 degrees. I really don't want to have to purchase wetsuits if the water is fairly warm. Between the equipment we have and the trip there's not much left in the way of $$$.

4. How much is a taxi ride into town from the Fiesta Americana?

5. Are there other unforseen expenses???

Thanks so much!
d56nut once bubbled...
Hi Everyone,

My hubby and I are going to Cozumel from Feb 1st through Feb 8th and we are staying at the Fiesta Americana. It's an all-inclusive plan -- 7 nights, 8 days...5 days of 2 tank boat dives, unlimited shore diving, meals and beverages. Couple of questions that maybe someone can help with!

1. When we get there...how do we know when/where we need to be the next morning for diving? How does the dive shop know that are package includes the diving? Do we get some kind of punch card that has 5 two tank boat trips?

2. Do they have weekly rental rates on bc's and reg's? Are guages extra? We are still new to diving but have our own fins, masks, snorkels, boots.

3. Do we need wetsuits? Hubby is someone that starts sweating if the temp goes above 60 degrees outside! I start sweating at around 70 degrees. I really don't want to have to purchase wetsuits if the water is fairly warm. Between the equipment we have and the trip there's not much left in the way of $$$.

4. How much is a taxi ride into town from the Fiesta Americana?

5. Are there other unforseen expenses???

Thanks so much!

The hotel will probably coordinate all that for you. Pickups by the dive operator are made on the hotel dock.

Equipment rental is usually about 10 additional bucks per dive. Weekly rentals are generally expensive; if you have a relationship with a dive shop in the States, it would probably be worth your while to rent from them and pack it if you want to have the same gear all week and have it for shore diving.

The water temp will probably be in the high 70's.

4. http://www.travelnotes.cc/cozumel/links/taxifares.html

Undoubtedly! ;^)

If it's your first trip, you might find my stuff posted at http://www.jumpstartmusic.com/CozTrav2000/index.html
useful. Enjoy your trip!
I don't like to say this but Juan Leca (owner of Dive house) has a terrible reputation amongst his employees and around Cozumel in general.

I will be specific.

Mr. Leca had an employee, his former genral manager, that grew tired of being called an arsehole and MF'er by Mr. Leca. Mr. Leca treated him with a total lack of respect in everyway so the GM decided to resign.

When the GM did resign Mr. Leca told a room full of other dive shop owners that he fired him for stealing which was a lie.

In the US we can sue for such slander but not in Mex.

Now I know every story has two sides but this story was confirmed by multiple people

I will not get into why Mr. Leca thinks he can treat people in such a terrible way but his actions should not be encouraged

If you doubt what I'm saying is true please come to Cozumel and ask people in the dive shop industry.

Fortunately the GM ( a DM with 25 years experience) that Mr. Leca attempted to trash has enough good friends on the island that he still works on the island

Finally, when Mr. Leca was confronted by his former GM about the slander Mr. Leca's reply was, "So what are you gonna do about it?"

Well the GM can't do anything but Mr. Leca's business should not be supported in any way.

There that's it. I'm sorry to say any of this but sometimes you have to tell the truth even if its unpleasant.
Thanks for the heads-up for any future plans.

I appreciate your post, as guys like this need to be out-ed.

As a business owner myself, I try to always strive for the best I can do, because doing less will always come back to haunt me, sooner or later.

Hearing stuff like this just seals the fate of these poor operators as far as my business is concerned.

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