We're proud to announce that we've released a Trigger Guard for all Dive Xtras scooter models! It is designed to prevent line getting wrapped around the trigger and causing an accidentals start. It was designed for use with any glove type, dry gloves included! It does not interfere with the use of a light with or without a thumb loop.
The guard is made of anodized black aluminum and fits on the scooter by attaching it to the shroud and screwing it into the end of the handle with the provided screws. An added benefit of the guard is that it gives the handle extra rigidity. It's available from your local dealer or right here X-Scooter Trigger Guard - Dive Xtras for $29.00. I've attached some photos for yáll to check out!

The guard is made of anodized black aluminum and fits on the scooter by attaching it to the shroud and screwing it into the end of the handle with the provided screws. An added benefit of the guard is that it gives the handle extra rigidity. It's available from your local dealer or right here X-Scooter Trigger Guard - Dive Xtras for $29.00. I've attached some photos for yáll to check out!