Question Dive sites on the Oregon and Southern Washington coast?

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Reaction score
Bellingham WA
# of dives
25 - 49
I'm in Seaside OR at the moment and expect to be back in thos area several times in the next year and was wondering if there are any good dive sites on the Oregon or Southern Washington coasts. Mostly looking at the Coos Bay to Ocean Shores area.
Beautiful coastline. I haven't seriously looked, but when vacationing in that area (usually Manzanita) I found no easy options to get tanks filled, etc..

Good luck! I'm eager to here what people suggest.

Edit to add: I'm not sure the area near the border would be ideal. The outflow from the Columbia carries a lot of sand, and those sandy habitats aren't usually great dive sites. The rock outcrops further south in Oregon are, I would think your best bets.
There is nothing between the Columbia Jetty and Ocean Shores. Further north there are a few boat accessible sites along the Olympic coast out of La Push but the winter weather is no beuno and the summer vis is dreadful. Duncan Rock is a world class site but don't eff around out there
Beautiful coastline. I haven't seriously looked, but when vacationing in that area (usually Manzanita) I found no easy options to get tanks filled, etc..

Good luck! I'm eager to here what people suggest.

Edit to add: I'm not sure the area near the border would be ideal. The outflow from the Columbia carries a lot of sand, and those sandy habitats aren't usually great dive sites. The rock outcrops further south in Oregon are, I would think your best bets.
Not to mention that the current would be a challenge.

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