I used to live in Shell beach when I was a kid, two house up from the beach on Cuyama Street. I was not a diver then in the mid 70's, I was into skateboarding and chasing girls.
Now in my later years I've had thoughts of jumping in there to take a look to see what's down there after all these years. I remember fishing off my rubber raft out from Cuyama Street beach as a kid, there is a wash rock way out there that I rowed out to a few times. I remember extensive kelp beds along that whole stretch of coastline.
Another place to dive would be Montana De Oro state park. I've also seen rocks and kelp beds heading north from Cuyucos up towards Cambria.
The whole central section of California is kind of featureless and nondescript as far as divable territory. Seems like a lot of sand and shallow way out.
If you want rocky structure, Norcal is where it's at.
North of San Francisco is Monterey on steroids.