Dive Shops that Offer Discover Scuba for Older Clients

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Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario
# of dives
200 - 499
A non-diver friend in his late 60s is interested in doing Discover Scuba in early January. They will be staying in Willemstad. Any recommendations for a dive shop that has experience with older clientele?
Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with Willemstad, so I can’t recommend a shop. 60s isn’t really older from my perspective. Regardless, I don’t see why any shop that does Try Scuba would have a problem with a customer of any age, so long as they have a clear medical or physicians approval to dive. If your friend has specific limitations, they should look for a shop with experience in adaptive scuba.
PADI medical form can be found here


Looks like no physical required if you don't have any physical problems. Even if you admit to a problem they only "request" you see a physician.
This old material for DSD is no longer valid.
Today's DSD requires the RSTC Diver Medical (copy attached).
If you are over 45 and smoke, have high cholesteral or blood pressure, or take prescription drugs then you need a doctor's signature.


  • 10346E_Diver_Medical_Participant_Questionnaire_2022_02_1.pdf
    685.4 KB · Views: 62

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