Sunday 7-31-2011
My dive partner Rich and I went diving Sunday at one of my favorite places. The location is undisclosed except that it is in Newport. It is a well kept secret and a fair amount of surface swimming is required to access the site. During the summer boat traffic can be heavy as the fishermen work the “reefs”. We headed out to the eastern most end of the site to start the dive.
Saw lots of large Togs and smaller Sea Bass, some Scup and a fair amount of silver bait fish. We had about 10-15’ vis horz. and a good 25’ vis vertical. Maximum depth was 35 fsw bottom temp was 61F surface temp 70F seas calm light surge. Duration of the dive was 75 min.

My dive partner Rich and I went diving Sunday at one of my favorite places. The location is undisclosed except that it is in Newport. It is a well kept secret and a fair amount of surface swimming is required to access the site. During the summer boat traffic can be heavy as the fishermen work the “reefs”. We headed out to the eastern most end of the site to start the dive.
Saw lots of large Togs and smaller Sea Bass, some Scup and a fair amount of silver bait fish. We had about 10-15’ vis horz. and a good 25’ vis vertical. Maximum depth was 35 fsw bottom temp was 61F surface temp 70F seas calm light surge. Duration of the dive was 75 min.