Dive planner as computer backup: your thoughts, please

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I am amazed by the number of divers who will skoff at the cost of a weel, training or other enhancements to their diving but jump at the chance to spend thousands to travel, rent junk equipment and rely on clueless DM's for their safety.

What does the weel cost? I think about $45. That is less than what it costs to fill my doubles with good gas. It is less than dinner for two. It is less than rental gear for a day. It is less than the cost of one 1/2 day dive trip. And it will last for years and many dives as apposed to a few hours. The cost of a weel or similar tool is insignificant.
I consider the computer a tool to help my diving. I use it to back up my dive plan. I plan the dive with tables and use the computer to back it up. not the other way around. The computer is only as good as the knowledge of the person using it. So if you have the knowledge, the computer is a backup for your dive plan. I urge you to get more training and education. Rely more on your on computer between your ears than one that is battery powered. Just my $.02. and after a few years of diving I'm still learning:)

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