Dive planner as computer backup: your thoughts, please

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Northern Virginia
I'm newly certified, AOW this past April, and planning a dive trip. I'm thinking of redundancies and contingency plans, and thinking about learning The Wheel dive planner in case the computer craps out for some reason. The thinking behind using The Wheel instead of the PADI dive planner from class is because TW allows more bottom time.

Do I have this right? Is this rational, logical thinking, or mislead newbie fumbling? I'd appreciate your thoughts.
Dear DaveO:

It is my understanding that too many divers do not know how to read tables anymore. If their computer fails, they are in a real bind since they do not have a fall back position.

The ability to have alternatives to a computer is always good. The Wheel will allow for the calculation of your body's gas loads. It is a good “road map” of the pressure in your body.

Dr Deco :doctor:
I do as you are suggesting -- I work all my dives with the Wheel as well as using a computer. Remember that you will have to use the Wheel from the start. If your computer dies halfway through the day, you'll have to have a starting pressure group when you switch to the Wheel -- you can't pick up from nowhere.

The downside is that sticking to your multilevel plans is more restrictive than diving with the computer.

I always carry a set of tables just in case.

However, if you are diving your computer and don't keep an exact track of your time at the levels then you really must follow the computer manufacturers guidelines (which I believe in most cases is abort the dive and stay out of the water for 24 hours). You should be using the tables to get out of the water safely. This getting out of the water safely is a no brainer for recreational diving.

In over 200 dives I have had a computer blow up on me once - unfortuantely this was the middle of a deco schedule. Fortunately I had already noted the deco, plus I had deco tables with me as well as many other divers who had dived a similar profile so a few checks. Also fortunately this was my last dive before the extended SI before getting on the plane home....

I bring tables along, and consult them first for dives over 35 feet. I guess it's time I broke down and learned to use the wheel though. There wasn't one that I'm aware of when I got certified.
Thats why I chose as a new diver to master the tables and use a Bottom Timer instead of a computer.

While the BT does not calculate deco time in case we mess up, it DOES ensure that we will USE and hopefully MASTER the dive tables and dive profiles.

A BT is so simple to use.
You'll be very popular on club dives then when you have to surface way before the computer users.:upset:

For example on a 35m wreck dive you'll get about 15 mins BT assumng a square profile and the computer divers wll get about 25 as they will allow for the 20mns spent at 29m on the deck. :)

Of course you should carry backup tables and you should plan your dives in advance. But plannng can be flexible enough to allow for a Bottom tme determined by the computer. Personally i always carry a bacup computer thats a dfferent make from the first and decompress both. That way the chances of both failing are very small
Originally posted by madmole
For example on a 35m wreck dive you'll get about 15 mins BT assumng a square profile...

The advantage of the Wheel is that it enables you to plan multilevel dives as well as square profiles. Still isn't as flexible as a computer, but it gives you more bottom time than regular tables.

In an ideal world I'd use two computers. Then again, in an ideal world I'd be a good deal richer than I am!

Originally posted by Zept

In an ideal world I'd use two computers. Then again, in an ideal world I'd be a good deal richer than I am!


You can afford a wheel. You must be doing OK:mean:
Originally posted by nickjb
You can afford a wheel. You must be doing OK:mean:

Fair point :wink:. Perhaps that could be PADI's new marketing slogan for the Wheel... show the world your wealth with enormously expensive pieces of plastic!


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