Dive Master Course keeps getting postponed, What would you do?

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Scuba Instructor
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2500 - 4999
OK, I searched & didn't see anything that really fit this mold. I was hoping to start taking this course back in Jan. or Feb., but my instructor had lots of trouble getting those interested in the course to come to an organizational meeting. Of those that eventually did show, a couple are high school seniors & asked that the course be postponed until they get out of school (May). Now it looks like it may be postponed again because they don't turn 18 until late summer or early fall. There is another diving instructor nearby that is SSI & IANTD. I want to continue my diving education, but find myself torn between my ambitions & my loyalty to my instructor. I like her style of teaching & have had her for most of my courses. The other instructor is also good, as I've had him for a couple of courses. I'm not quite as familiar with him as I am with my first instructor, but do plan on going with him for technical as I also have an interest in technical diving. I'm not looking to get flamed, but would just like to know what some of you might do in this situation. Should I just wait it out & continue to gain more experience? Or try to go with the other instructor? What are the major differences between PADI, SSI & IANTD for Dive Master/ Dive Con? I am also not looking for a war of the agencies, just trying to get an idea of what the differences are. Just looking for some different insights, to decide on a path. Thanks.
I would explain this to her that you like her training,but if something don't change you're going to go somewhere else. That's my .02PSI.
I would explain your concerns to her. I did my DM training basicly as an intern, and got to spend a lot of time with students. See if that is an option for you. Get your materials start studying, and spend as much time as possible assisting with her other classes as a DMC. The more experience you get working with students the better.
Excellent idea. I was kind of leaning towards waiting & just trying to gain more experience this summer. I will discuss my ambitions to her & if it continues to be put off more, I'll probably look elsewhere for instruction. Other than buddying up with an odd # of students, she has plenty of instructors & DM's to aid her, but it doesn't hurt to see what I may be able to do. I have lots of diving buddies & I am trying to also get my self accustomed to technical gear configurations (I am currently taking a prerequisite to taking IANTD technical courses (Adv. Nitrox), so I figure I should have enough to keep me busy for a while. However it is disappointing that the class keeps getting put later in the year, but I also understand that she needs to have enough people to make the class a go.
I'm in agreement with the other members. Classes do, for any number of reasons, get postponed or cancelled....it happens. However, if this seems to have been the case a number of times, I would also recommend discussion with the instructor about your goals and concerns. If she is able/willing to offer this course to you in a 'less traditional' manner (of course without losing the integrity of the course) perhaps something can be worked out.

I, actually, find myself in a similar situation. I was to sign up for DM in September. The course was postponed and, finally, started up a month to 6 wks later. Unfortunately, THEN, the dates for instruction did not fit. So I was told, no prob...another course will be offered in the winter (Jan or Feb start). Here it's the middle of March and nothing. To be fair, my LDS is moving to a brand new location (built an awesome new facility) and there have been a number of issues of more importance--now I'm told spring.

I do have another instructor with a different store (same agency) who seems VERY willing to work with me and be flexible with my schedule, too. Guess I will just wait another few weeks until the end of this month and then make my decision.

I feel your pain!
I've been waiting to start on DM since finishing Rescue last... um... well, last fall sometime. My LDS apparently does one course a year, starting in May, which isn't exactly illogical seeing as we're in Baton Rouge (which is farther from any diving than many places in the US -- we don't even have a lake or quarry within 4 hours). The LDS owner is now a NAUI Course Director (now the shop has two, IIRC), and he's assured me the class (for which he's presently working on a syllabus and outline) will begin in May.

For the one part, I looked somewhat longingly at several places where I could have started earlier, but on the other hand, I respect the much greater quality I will get from my LDS, which sets much higher standards for their new DMs and instructors than the "easy" places (and by quite an astonishing margin). Plus, I intend to be available to the shop as a DM (and eventually as an instructor), so this is what I have.

Of course, I hate waiting (although I seem to never be able to escape it, or perhaps because of that), and now that there's another forum sitting there, beckoning to me, it's all the more semi-pleasantly frustrating (like waiting for Christmas morning). I'd been looking forward to Christmas morning, when I'd be able to read and post in the pro forum, but now there's a present under the tree I get to open on Christmas *Eve*... I hope the class starts in *early* May.

(Hmm... can one send in the information for the DMC forum as soon as one is officially enrolled in the class, or must one wait until the class has commenced?)
I'm taking Rescue right now and as I watch the training the DMCs go through and what they have to do for the course, I'm not quite sure why you gal and guys are in such a big hurry. Man it looks like a ton of work and I'm still trying to figure out why anyone goes on to DM! :wink:

From what I've read, the instructor makes or breaks the DM course. This is true in all courses to one extent or another, but it appears to be very important for DM. My advice would be to find the instructor you want to train under, and then wait on their schedule. In the long run I would think you'd be glad you waited for the right instructor.

YMMV and keep in mind that this advice comes from one of the few divers on this board who has NO desire to go onto DM.
I'm taking Rescue right now and as I watch the training the DMCs go through and what they have to do for the course, I'm not quite sure why you gal and guys are in such a big hurry. Man it looks like a ton of work and I'm still trying to figure out why anyone goes on to DM! :wink:
You should've seen what we did (to *ourselves*, even) in Rescue. I'm *so* ready for more of something that's not easy and that requires lots of work. Then again, I'm apparently a complete loon. :D

(Of course, I have no intention of stopping at DM, but DM's the waypoint for this year.)
You should've seen what we did (to *ourselves*, even) in Rescue. I'm *so* ready for more of something that's not easy and that requires lots of work. Then again, I'm apparently a complete loon. :D

(Of course, I have no intention of stopping at DM, but DM's the waypoint for this year.)

If you want to be an instructor, it's certainly a mandatory step. Good luck to all of you who have the goal of becoming instructors. It'll be great in the future to have more ScubaBoard savvy instructors.

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