Guy and I had talked about searching for the techno-cow at the Breakwater, but he told me about this event and we did go. I did find it a strange concept to pay for cleaning up a beach, but as part of the deal lunch was included and an air fill (plus a brush, soap, nail clipper, toothpaste, water bottle, "diver" wrist band, etc), so I guess that all in all we more or less got our money's worth of stuff.
But I would think that a big part of the money collected went to pay for a crane that was on the pier for lifting the really heavy stuff (close to the end of the pier there is still a lot of large, heavy debris). That part was lots of fun!
But I would think that a big part of the money collected went to pay for a crane that was on the pier for lifting the really heavy stuff (close to the end of the pier there is still a lot of large, heavy debris). That part was lots of fun!