Dive Computer Recommendation

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I've been there more than once. Now the Suunto is in gauge mode. Really if your computer gives you 20 minutes less NDL than the people you are diving with and they get out of the water just fine routinely the model validation is suspect. RGBM seems not to like a lot of dives that the experience suggest are just fine. How RGBM deals with repetitive dives is one of the issues. Another issue is how they deal with cold water. Apparently Suunto has not heard of dry suits.

My Vytec DS must be defective then... it runs fairly parallel to my buddy's Oceanic and tables I cut myself in V-planner.
you said it yourself, it penalizes you for a whole bunch of weird ****. The algorithm itself is fine if you're diving square profiles, the difference is they don't tell you all the stuff it penalizes you for or for how much, and you can't turn that off.

If you have to get one, I'd see if they'll cut you a deal on a D4i and then you at least get a decent looking watch for while you're teaching, and it has gauge mode for backup to the Petrel
I have a Vyper but don't use it as a dive computer since the plans it spits out are pretty much nonsense. As a bottom timer it is good enough. Although it is worth mentioning that battery changes are bit a pain in the kester. For the OP if you have a dive computer that spits out plans that you do not trust what is the point?
And I hope you guys are diving doubles... because those dives need 107cf of gas.

We don' need no steen-keen dubbelz!

Likes water heaters.
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I have the Sherwood Amphos and it's durable. The algorithms are set to be conservative, and I don't know if it possible to change a lot on it. One thing that led me to buy it is the size of the display and price. I bought it on promotion. $700 for the computer and bluetooth adapter. I'm not huge on the part where all the buttons functions are on the outside and grey engraved on the outer rim. Kind of hard to see at times. Kind of have to memorise what they do, and in a panic situation that's not a good thing.
i have a geo 2 for sale, brand new, still in the box. good computer for recreation. I use one for my backup computer and during warm water vacation dives.


if you must use one of those, i liked the zoop when i used it once for a class (forgot my computer bag at home). Big, super basic, easy to read, intuitive UI. Not as nice as the geo :wink:
@OP: Go with the Zoop, they are cheap and works well. Downside is that download cable is extra.

I agree with RJP that Suunto will penalise you for "bad behavior" and short SI.

@Mr Carcharodon: No computer is cold water aware, never mind drysuit.
I always love the use of the loaded word "penalize" in these discussions. Instead of "Suunto penalizes you for ..." one could just as well say "Suunto adds additional conservatism for ...."
I always love the use of the loaded word "penalize" in these discussions. Instead of "Suunto penalizes you for ..." one could just as well say "Suunto adds additional conservatism for ...."

And when you earn more income, the government doesn't "penalize" you for that by charging you more income tax. Instead, they "add additional opportunities for you to contribute to the country's well-being." :D

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