Suggestion DIR Free Zone

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If I'm on the computer, I'm approximately 100 mete
Is it just me? Or do others see the need for a DIR Practioner-Free-Forum? They've got their forum now, free from everyone else's opinions. But apparently, there's nothing for them to talk about. So, they come out trolling in the general population. Can we please, have a place to discuss the issues involved in diving and learning to dive that is free from their constant condescension and general disruptiveness?
I'm not anti-DIR. I'm not even a troll, as I understand the term to be defined. I do however, believe that a couple of the tenants of DIR should be open to debate as to what the RIGHT way is.[/I]

I hope I got the editing right and that the red comments are yours.

The existing DIR forum (ie the old one) is open for debate/disscussion of DIR (and weither or not its "right" or not). The new forum (the opt in) is the "Only DIR answers" allowed.
The DIR forum isn't the appropriate place to have that debate ... read the rules for posting there, they were stickied to the top of the forum the day it was created. is. We should re-write the sticky (That sticky is based on the original intent of the forum, which has changed/evolved into two forums.)

Its still a no troll zone, but DIR can be questioned/debated.
Actually the DIR Pracitioners was created because Pete had a bet with some moderators on how to make JeffG make nice, polite posts. The bet was that if he kind of became a MOD that he'd be nice. It worked.....but I liked the old Jeff better.
Actually the DIR Pracitioners was created because Pete had a bet with some moderators on how to make JeffG make nice, polite posts. The bet was that if he kind of became a MOD that he'd be nice. It worked.....but I liked the old Jeff better.

LOL...You haven't been keeping up with current events there Hank. :wink:
Whew...good to see he's back. That "touchy feely" side that was showing had me worried and thinking his girlfriend might leave him or something heavy....

I just tell her not to read SB. :wink:

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