Suggestion DIR Free Zone

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If I'm on the computer, I'm approximately 100 mete
Is it just me? Or do others see the need for a DIR Practioner-Free-Forum? They've got their forum now, free from everyone else's opinions. But apparently, there's nothing for them to talk about. So, they come out trolling in the general population. Can we please, have a place to discuss the issues involved in diving and learning to dive that is free from their constant condescension and general disruptiveness?
I dont care in the least.They are welcome to their own forum.No problem with that.

I do object to being called a Farm Animal
So would I ... but I would say you have an issue with an individual in that case, not a whole bunch of people who didn't call you that.

Bigotry is not the proper response to bigotry ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I agree. Unfortunately, it's not the moderate masses that stand on soap boxes inciting rebellion. So, what do we do with the few who just can't seem to do anything but end up arguing and involved in personal or agency insulting?

You are so right! This thread is a great example of your call for all of us to get along! Here! Here! Listen to FWeber, the point of this thread is that he wants to get along with everyone! No soap box found here! No agruements here! No incitement of rebellion! I feel the love!:10:
... anybody else getting tired of the constant flow of bull**** on this ... um ... "issue"?

Yes. Hence, this thread.

Folks ... diving's supposed to be about having fun.

We do this for recreation.

If you don't like how someone else dives ... then don't do it that way. If you don't like them talking about how they dive ... then don't join the conversation.

Entertaining enough. I've been mistaken for a DIR diver. It's not the way anyone dives that is of concern here. But the boards ability to carry on a constructive discussion about DIR diving or any other form in a civil manner.

That seems like a simple enough concept.

This thread is a perfect example of the fact that condescension and disruptiveness flows in both directions ... in other words, you're doing the very thing you're complaining that someone else is doing.

This thread is a direct consequence of the the TDI/SDI train wreck that involved both DIR and Non-DIR divers. I'm sorry that it has come across as condescending toward DIR diving. Now that I think about it. DIR really isn't the problem. It's the zealots and practitioners.

Is it possible to rename the thread?

Why should you CARE if the DIR practicitioners want their own space where they can discuss how they dive without your constant trolling? If you allowed them to have those discussions ... free of your own anti-DIR bias ... they wouldn't NEED to keep you out.

I'm not anti-DIR. I'm not even a troll, as I understand the term to be defined. I do however, believe that a couple of the tenants of DIR should be open to debate as to what the RIGHT way is.[/I]

This thread's freak'n useless ... just another attempt to pick a fight with people you don't happen to agree with.

I'm growing tired of listening to the same few pick the fights. And would just like a place that is free from their crap. I'm sorry that they happen to be DIR divers.

Get over yourself ... there shouldn't even BE sides on this subject.

You're right!

... Bob (Grateful Diver)[/QUOTE]
I guess a better question:

...does anyone care?
I kinda of like some of the DIR input. I am not DIR, never will be DIR and sometimes the DIR opinions are pretty strong. But in the end they have some good ideas and practices I can learn from. I like the Japanese approach, take the ideas that are good from others and make them your own. With the new thread blocking tool, once a thread turns sour, I can just kill it.
I've been mistaken for a DIR diver. It's not the way anyone dives that is of concern here. But the boards ability to carry on a constructive discussion about DIR diving or any other form in a civil manner.[/COLOR]

:rofl3::rofl3: Were you mistaken for a DIR diver because of the way you come across to people??
This thread is a direct consequence of the the TDI/SDI train wreck that involved both DIR and Non-DIR divers. I'm sorry that it has come across as condescending toward DIR diving. Now that I think about it. DIR really isn't the problem. It's the zealots and practitioners.
An excellent solution would be not to waste your time acknowledging the existence of those people ... works for me.

I'm not anti-DIR.
Then what's the point of this thread??

I do however, believe that a couple of the tenants of DIR should be open to debate as to what the RIGHT way is.
No one's stopping you from doing that ... you have several forums to choose from to debate those issues. Just do it in the correct place. The DIR forum isn't the appropriate place to have that debate ... read the rules for posting there, they were stickied to the top of the forum the day it was created. If you used the forum for its intended purpose, no one would have any issues with what you had to say. Or if they did, they'd be much more likely to respond in an appropriate manner. Inciting people isn't the best way to evoke a constructive debate, ya know ...

I'm growing tired of listening to the same few pick the fights. And would just like a place that is free from their crap. I'm sorry that they happen to be DIR divers.
And so your solution is to emulate their behavior ... :confused:

If it is true that imitation is the highest form of flattery ... you must secretly admire those people. Otherwise, you'd just say "screw 'em" and move on to more pleasant conversation ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Is it just me? Or do others see the need for a DIR Practioner-Free-Forum?
uh, no...... I have no problem discussing the entire range of diving's "best practices" with anyone, including DIR practitioners. I also have no problem letting some folks know that sometimes "Right" ain't necessarily best, or that it's even wrong under some circumstances. :D

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