Suggestion DIR Free Zone

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If I'm on the computer, I'm approximately 100 mete
Is it just me? Or do others see the need for a DIR Practioner-Free-Forum? They've got their forum now, free from everyone else's opinions. But apparently, there's nothing for them to talk about. So, they come out trolling in the general population. Can we please, have a place to discuss the issues involved in diving and learning to dive that is free from their constant condescension and general disruptiveness?
Can we please, have a place to discuss the issues involved in diving and learning to dive that is free from their constant condescension and general disruptiveness?

Actually, I think it's the other way around. My impression has been that among those who have an opinion on the subject, the general tenor on SB seems to be decidedly anti-DIR. The whole reason why the DIR Practitioner's forum was created was due to the "constant condescension and general disruptiveness" of non-DIR "contributors" in the DIR forum.

All divers (including those who espouse DIR) have a right to their opinions (and let's face it, they are just opinions), and they all have just as much right to express them here as anyone else does. It's true that some DIR proponents do come across a little "holier than thou", but they certainly do not have a monopoly on rude or inconsiderate behavior. That's a "people" problem, which is not specific to DIR (or DIR divers). We could all probably benefit from a little more tolerance and humility.
i agree. if we start fencing areas off everybody looses. also, how would you set this up? a DIR free section for each forum? or would you discuss any topic from regs to destinations under the same DIR free heading?
they do not deserve special treatment. i don't agree with that either especially since there are other websites specifically for DIR/GUE so if they do not want to interact with the general public they could just go there. it just shows that no one ever cares about my opinion. what's wrong with this world...
i agree. if we start fencing areas off everybody looses. also, how would you set this up? a DIR free section for each forum? or would you discuss any topic from regs to destinations under the same DIR free heading?

Simple. You establish an either/or scenario. Set-up the DIR-Free forum. And then people can opt into one, or the other, but not both. You opt into DIR-Practitioners and you can't post in the FreeZone. Or Vice Versa. Seems fair to me and would allow people to discuss their questions, without having their threads turned into train wrecks, by the same people who need a protected forum for their own threads.
Us non-DIR divers do not need a dedicated forum. That is silly. Sure, some DIR divers are pompous but not anymore than some non-DIR divers. Read the DIR'er's posts, learn what you can, ignore the pompous, and let's get along.
I can tell you without a doubt, the vast, vast majority of DIR divers I have had the privilege of meeting are fine people.
Actually, I think it's the other way around. My impression has been that among those who have an opinion on the subject, the general tenor on SB seems to be decidedly anti-DIR. The whole reason why the DIR Practitioner's forum was created was due to the "constant condescension and general disruptiveness" of non-DIR "contributors" in the DIR forum.

All divers (including those who espouse DIR) have a right to their opinions (and let's face it, they are just opinions), and they all have just as much right to express them here as anyone else does. It's true that some DIR proponents do come across a little "holier than thou", but they certainly do not have a monopoly on rude or inconsiderate behavior. That's a "people" problem, which is not specific to DIR (or DIR divers). We could all probably benefit from a little more tolerance and humility.

I don't disagree. But, after petitioning for and being granted their own forum, those very "practitioners" are seeming to be the problem not DIR. So I'm suggesting a location that is simply free from the zealots or practitioners so to speak.

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