Originally posted by Uncle Pug
I would like to note ... for the record ... that often it is the attitude of the Anti-DIR *detractees* that is the source of the rancor on this board....
Hey Uncle Pug,
As you have been on this board only a couple of months, I will cut you some slack here. You don't have the entire history of whats been said to help you out. I do not dislike DIR as a holistic approach to diving... I just disagree with the fundamental premise... That ya'll do it "right" which implies that all others do it "wrong". I have been flamed by the DIR advocates for what I believed... yes, I was even called an "accident waiting to happen" and was told to "not be a stroke". Yes, on this board.
You see, there are some DIR advocates who like to call others names instead of resorting to reasoning. I would have to say this has abated quite a bit since the summer, still some wounds are hard to heal. BTW, kudos to those who changed their demeanor (and really, you just might NOT know who you are). I do find that sometimes DIR divers believe what is coming out of certain people's mouths a little too easily. Indeed, we had our own discussion where a theory had been given as a fact, and it was proved to be false. And, I know where that theory came from for I had heard it before from one of the DIR divers who had just finished the course a couple of years ago. It was not the misinformation that I found as disturbing as the vehemence with which it was defended. Because someone said so, does not make it so (sorry LY, but I am not talking about you...).
So while I applaud the efforts of DIR to determine the Best Practices for diving, I am loathe to the amount of blind faith and jingoism I see portrayed by some of the devotees. It reminds me of a joke about a certain religious sect... please, do indulge me calling them "DIR" only in jest and to make a point...
So I died see, and went to heaven and St Peter came and met me at the Pearly Gates.
"Want a tour?" says he, Sure!" says I , and we proceeded to walk about heaven. He showed me the place where the Catholics were, and the Baptists, and the Lutherans... you name it, and all of the religions had a place... However he made me be real quiet as we approached a secluded place away fro all the others.
"Why do I have to be so quiet, St Peter?" I queried...
"Oh please, please don't make a sound" says he, "We are in the DIR section and they believe that they are the only ones up here..."
As I said in a previous post, we may dive differently, but I don't think anyone here is "Doing it Wrong". I never was, nor do I ever think I will be a critic of their teamwork, their diving attitude or their diving methods. I do not refute their superb safety record, and I agree that many DIR divers will have more diving experience in a year than I will see in my lifetime. Still, no one has all the truth, and those who think they know it all, really tick off those of us who do. Sometimes it -IS- the way you say it.