united States
Name: Lynne Flaherty
Location: Woodinville, WA
Contact: PM to TSandM
Training GUE-F, Cave 1, NAUI Helitrox with AG
Lots of spare gear. I enjoy diving with novice divers and introducing people to our system.
Name: Hunter Lacey
Location: Bozeman, MT
Contact: send a PM to Coldsmoke
I have some extra stuff, but not a complete kit. I could likely borrow some stuff from friends locally though. I dive around Montana, Yellowstone Park and would be willing to drive a little especially if it's to dive something new.
Name: Mike Racine
Location: Seattle, WA
Contact: mikera -at- centurytel.net
President, Washington Scuba Alliance
Member, Submerged Cultural Resources Exploration Team, Seattle WA
Member, National Marine Sanctuary Volunteer Science Diver, Seattle WA
Name: bubbleblowindude
Location: Resurrection Bay, Alaska
Contact: www.divealaska.net - Home
OK, as long as we're at it...I have a complete set of everything. Did I mention I also have a full service dive shop with trimix / triox / Nitrox / DUI dry suits / Halcyon BCD's & long hose regs? Also, a 43 ft dive boat operatiing in Resurrection Bay Alaska? Oh yeah...we have a GUE fundamentals instructor too. Please let me know if I can help??
West Coast
Name: Andy C. Huber
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Contact: PM to txdiver
UTD Tech 2 Instructor; GUE Tech1, Cave1, IANTD Trimix, TDI Adv. Trimix Diver
Name: Marc Blackwood
Location: Redondo Beach, CA
Contact: PM to Blackwood
Past and future student of the immediately aforementioned diver.
Name: Dale Bennett
Location: Waukegan, IL
Contact: PM to captndale, or visit Captain Dales Inc.
I dive the wrecks of Lake Michigan and I have extra gear.
Name: Ed Gabe
Location: Lexington KY
Contact: send a PM to GUEdiver or visit BetterDiving.com
I have tons of extra gear of all types. I am a GUE Instructor for Fundamentals and recreational courses. I teach courses wherever students want.
Name: Ken Hyatt
Location: Ohio (?)
Contact: Send a PM to hyatt181
I am GUE fundies trained. Dive a lot at Gilboa.
Have extras of single tank setups, Couple sets of Jet's and access to extra sets of doubles
Name: Duane Johnson
Location: Chicago, IL area
Contact: Send PM to ppo2_diver
I have complete sets of gear for doubles and single tank rigs. I can also do air fills. I'll dive anywhere.
Name: Tom Judkins
Location: St Louis, MO
Contact: send a PM to B1gcountry
I have an extra set of doubles, regs, wings, and a few sizes of Jets I'd be willing to loan out. I do a lot of dives in Lake Michigan, Ozarks, Mermet Springs, New Melle. GUE-F Trained (by Ed Gabe), and Trimix by Greg Such.
Name: James Williams
Location: Amarillo, TX (Until late June 2009)
Contact: Send PM to amascuba
I don't have much in the way of extra gear. Fins, masks, singles reg and wing. GUE-F trained by Rob Calkins.
Name: William Anzueto
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Contact: wilanz@gmail.com or call 561-628-1560
I enjoy easy shore diving in South Florida and meeting new divers. Once we have some good team building dives we can talk about more complex dives. (Trimix and Caves)
Name: Dan Volker
Location: Lake Worth, Fl
Contact: (561)685-9242 or dan@sfdj.com
Have 34 foot Regal ( Express Cruiser) outfitted for diving as a 6 pack. Boat sleeps 6 and has Galley and head. If you are DIR, you are welcome on my boat --we go out most weekends and some weekdays. This is "not" a charter boat. Typically dives will be 2 single tank dives, in Juno, Jupiter, or in the 120 foot stuff out of palm beach inlet.
Name: Adam Gonzales
Location: Orlando, Fl
Contact: (813) 245-9415 or sgtaj@tampabay.rr.com
GUE Cave2/Tech1. Open most weekends and some weekdays.
Name: Andreas Hess
Location: Munich
Contact: PM to GermanDiver
Training CMAS***,GUE-F, IANTD Trimix, IANTD Trimix Gas blender
I am always glad to answer questions and assist interested parties in making good decisions.
Name: Dorotha & Bartek
Location: Hurghada, Egypt
Contact: dorota@divetrek.com.pl or bartek@frogkick.pl
GUE Tech 1 Instructor & GUE Tech 2 diver
languages: english, polish, german, french
New Zealand
Name: Andy
Location: Auckland
Contact: send a PM to AndyNZ (or call +64 21 629 425)
Training GUE-F (+some TDI stuff)
I work for our local Halcyon importer, who should be a Fundies instructor by March. Plenty of spare kit to share. Gas is an issue, simply because NZ is a bit backwards about nitrox and trimix.....[/quote]
Name: Greg Anderson
Location: Taiwan
Contact: shellbackdiver@gmail.com Phone (+886) 988236371
Am GUE trained. I'm a Halcyon dealer and lots of extra gear for all to try. Sponsor GUE-F classes annually.
****If you would like to add your name please:
1. Quote the last post
2. Remove the QUOTE brackets added by Scubaboard
3. Add your name and info under the correct region
****Thank you****
Name: Lynne Flaherty
Location: Woodinville, WA
Contact: PM to TSandM
Training GUE-F, Cave 1, NAUI Helitrox with AG
Lots of spare gear. I enjoy diving with novice divers and introducing people to our system.
Name: Hunter Lacey
Location: Bozeman, MT
Contact: send a PM to Coldsmoke
I have some extra stuff, but not a complete kit. I could likely borrow some stuff from friends locally though. I dive around Montana, Yellowstone Park and would be willing to drive a little especially if it's to dive something new.
Name: Mike Racine
Location: Seattle, WA
Contact: mikera -at- centurytel.net
President, Washington Scuba Alliance
Member, Submerged Cultural Resources Exploration Team, Seattle WA
Member, National Marine Sanctuary Volunteer Science Diver, Seattle WA
Name: bubbleblowindude
Location: Resurrection Bay, Alaska
Contact: www.divealaska.net - Home
OK, as long as we're at it...I have a complete set of everything. Did I mention I also have a full service dive shop with trimix / triox / Nitrox / DUI dry suits / Halcyon BCD's & long hose regs? Also, a 43 ft dive boat operatiing in Resurrection Bay Alaska? Oh yeah...we have a GUE fundamentals instructor too. Please let me know if I can help??
West Coast
Name: Andy C. Huber
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Contact: PM to txdiver
UTD Tech 2 Instructor; GUE Tech1, Cave1, IANTD Trimix, TDI Adv. Trimix Diver
Name: Marc Blackwood
Location: Redondo Beach, CA
Contact: PM to Blackwood
Past and future student of the immediately aforementioned diver.
Name: Dale Bennett
Location: Waukegan, IL
Contact: PM to captndale, or visit Captain Dales Inc.
I dive the wrecks of Lake Michigan and I have extra gear.
Name: Ed Gabe
Location: Lexington KY
Contact: send a PM to GUEdiver or visit BetterDiving.com
I have tons of extra gear of all types. I am a GUE Instructor for Fundamentals and recreational courses. I teach courses wherever students want.
Name: Ken Hyatt
Location: Ohio (?)
Contact: Send a PM to hyatt181
I am GUE fundies trained. Dive a lot at Gilboa.
Have extras of single tank setups, Couple sets of Jet's and access to extra sets of doubles
Name: Duane Johnson
Location: Chicago, IL area
Contact: Send PM to ppo2_diver
I have complete sets of gear for doubles and single tank rigs. I can also do air fills. I'll dive anywhere.
Name: Tom Judkins
Location: St Louis, MO
Contact: send a PM to B1gcountry
I have an extra set of doubles, regs, wings, and a few sizes of Jets I'd be willing to loan out. I do a lot of dives in Lake Michigan, Ozarks, Mermet Springs, New Melle. GUE-F Trained (by Ed Gabe), and Trimix by Greg Such.
Name: James Williams
Location: Amarillo, TX (Until late June 2009)
Contact: Send PM to amascuba
I don't have much in the way of extra gear. Fins, masks, singles reg and wing. GUE-F trained by Rob Calkins.
Name: William Anzueto
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Contact: wilanz@gmail.com or call 561-628-1560
I enjoy easy shore diving in South Florida and meeting new divers. Once we have some good team building dives we can talk about more complex dives. (Trimix and Caves)
Name: Dan Volker
Location: Lake Worth, Fl
Contact: (561)685-9242 or dan@sfdj.com
Have 34 foot Regal ( Express Cruiser) outfitted for diving as a 6 pack. Boat sleeps 6 and has Galley and head. If you are DIR, you are welcome on my boat --we go out most weekends and some weekdays. This is "not" a charter boat. Typically dives will be 2 single tank dives, in Juno, Jupiter, or in the 120 foot stuff out of palm beach inlet.
Name: Adam Gonzales
Location: Orlando, Fl
Contact: (813) 245-9415 or sgtaj@tampabay.rr.com
GUE Cave2/Tech1. Open most weekends and some weekdays.
Name: Andreas Hess
Location: Munich
Contact: PM to GermanDiver
Training CMAS***,GUE-F, IANTD Trimix, IANTD Trimix Gas blender
I am always glad to answer questions and assist interested parties in making good decisions.
Name: Dorotha & Bartek
Location: Hurghada, Egypt
Contact: dorota@divetrek.com.pl or bartek@frogkick.pl
GUE Tech 1 Instructor & GUE Tech 2 diver
languages: english, polish, german, french
New Zealand
Name: Andy
Location: Auckland
Contact: send a PM to AndyNZ (or call +64 21 629 425)
Training GUE-F (+some TDI stuff)
I work for our local Halcyon importer, who should be a Fundies instructor by March. Plenty of spare kit to share. Gas is an issue, simply because NZ is a bit backwards about nitrox and trimix.....[/quote]
Name: Greg Anderson
Location: Taiwan
Contact: shellbackdiver@gmail.com Phone (+886) 988236371
Am GUE trained. I'm a Halcyon dealer and lots of extra gear for all to try. Sponsor GUE-F classes annually.
****If you would like to add your name please:
1. Quote the last post
2. Remove the QUOTE brackets added by Scubaboard
3. Add your name and info under the correct region
****Thank you****