DIR / DIR Curious Shore Dive Event - October 9th - Heisler (Laguna)

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Steve Millington and Karim Hamza will be hosting a free GUE Demo Day the weekend after Nicole's event (Oct 17th). Should give those interested in GUE a chance to learn more about the organization, meet LA's GUE instructors, try on some DIR gear in the pool, and get a little in-water feedback. Sounds like a fun follow up to the Laguna weekend.

Details here: http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/socal/350705-gue-demo-day-socal-10-17-free.html
We'd love to have you join us! I know there is at least one other person who has just a handful of dives outside of her OW class who will be joining us. You two will be off to a great start if you decide to do this right away, rather than waiting a while and learning bad habits, like some of us had to do ;)

Nicole is right! Taking a UTD/GUE primer/fundies/essentials class is not so much about going into tech and becoming gung-ho at the next step as it is to teach you how to be a better team member, more friendly to the environment and efficient with your technique as well as adding some sanity to the dive planning regimine (assuming it wasn't already there).

If you'll be a videographer or photographer in the future, you'll have the buoyancy and trim already dialed so you can take good photos very early with a camera. I know from experience on this one.

If you'll be in a drysuit later on (assuming you aren't already) then again, the buoyancy and trim will ease the learning curve on the DS. I also benefitted in that respect. While I don't guarantee how it'll play out for anyone else, for me, I had the drysuit nailed on my first dive about 6 months after taking UTD Essentials and having better trim/buoyancy.

Taking the UTD Essentials course was one of the best scuba classes I ever took and don't regret it for a moment. I was not pretty or graceful when I started out, either. But I learned how to practice properly then went out and dived dived dived. It pays off.

And to Nicole's point, it's best to learn these skills early on or you'll end up unlearning them later on. It took me many dives (like 50) to finally get near the end of my transformation. I was near 120 when I started the transformation.

I hadn't followed the post since last week & I'm excited to see all the interest from both the GUE & GUE curious. I look foward to meeting people whose posts I've read. You don't know how much your opinions count to noobies like me.

& Nicole I love your enthusiasm it is infectious!

Silly question, is parking at Heisler like Shaw's Cove? Was there Saturday & if you weren't there by 7 forget it. It would be a long hike. Anyone interested in car pooling from Long Beach? Just a thought.
Parking at Heisler is similar but also it's metered.
Wise to get there early but don't forget this past Saturday was a holiday week end.
The last one of summer with hot temperatures inland. of course it was crowded ;)
October shouldn't be quite so busy.
Parking anywhere in Laguna can be a huge pain! In addition, getting a picnic table at Heisler can also be a huge pain! I will be getting there very early so I can get both ;)

There is some free parking around Laguna, but not too close to Heisler. What I have done in the past is dropped my gear off at Heisler and then parked in some of the free spots nearby....then brought my car back to pick my gear up at the end of the day. Parking in Laguna is $2/hour, but when I'm feeling lazy, it's worth it.

Hopefully it won't be quite as bad in October (I wouldn't hold my breath though!)...
I can't believe this. I can't go. :(

I just found out that my husband's family is holding a 75th birthday party for his father. I would love to bail on THAT, rather than THIS, but I think it wouldn't go over very well with the in-laws.

I'm just heartbroken - I've been really looking forward to this. I was hoping to get a lot of questions answered, and make a decision on what my next steps are. If the whole DIR concept proves to be the right direction for me, then I was planning on replacing my gear, in time for my December trip to Costa Rica. This event would have been an excellent opportunity for me to get a lot of questions answered, decisions made, and plans confirmed, all in one fell swoop.

Oh well - guess I'll have to come up with another approach. I'm still very interested in DIR, I'll just have to figure out another way to move forward.

Have a GREAT time everyone! This is going to be an epic event, I can tell.

Editing to add: Since I won't be able to go to this event, I'm going to type up a list of questions and post them in the SoCal DIR forum. I would very much appreciate if some DIR divers would give me the benefit of their knowledge and expertise, and help me figure out my next steps. Thanks! :)
LeeAnne, that's a shame, but totally understandable. If you're free, please do consider coming to Steve Millington's GUE Demo Day the following weekend (Oct 17th). I'm sure Maciek (lobstah) would be willing to do a similar UTD event as well.

In any case, if you'd ever like to just get out for a dive, don't hesitate to PM any of us. :)
Oh right - I'd forgotten about that GUE demo day. I'm putting it on my calendar NOW - and I don't care if my own MOTHER tells me I can't go - I'm going. :)

I still have a lot of questions about the difference between GUE and UTD, which is why I was looking forward to the Oct. 9 event - so I could get information about both, and not just focus on one or the other. So there's my first question to post in the SoCal DIR forum, I guess! :)
A few of us (me, limeyx, ligersandtions, kathydee, and TSandM; I'm sure more, those just come immediately to mind) have taken training from both, so hopefully we can address any agency specific questions you have. At the intro level, both offer rather similar training, though there are certainly differences.

Look forward to seeing you at the Oct 17th event (do remember to give Steve a ring so he can coordinate gear/etc).
I just talked to Steve on the phone, and sent my registration to his email address, so I'm all set. Looking forward to it!

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