I can't believe this. I can't go.
I just found out that my husband's family is holding a 75th birthday party for his father. I would love to bail on THAT, rather than THIS, but I think it wouldn't go over very well with the in-laws.
I'm just heartbroken - I've been really looking forward to this. I was hoping to get a lot of questions answered, and make a decision on what my next steps are. If the whole DIR concept proves to be the right direction for me, then I was planning on replacing my gear, in time for my December trip to Costa Rica. This event would have been an excellent opportunity for me to get a lot of questions answered, decisions made, and plans confirmed, all in one fell swoop.
Oh well - guess I'll have to come up with another approach. I'm still very interested in DIR, I'll just have to figure out another way to move forward.
Have a GREAT time everyone! This is going to be an epic event, I can tell.
Editing to add: Since I won't be able to go to this event, I'm going to type up a list of questions and post them in the SoCal DIR forum. I would very much appreciate if some DIR divers would give me the benefit of their knowledge and expertise, and help me figure out my next steps. Thanks!