It just means that, when you dive with DIR buddies, you know you are diving with people who have made precise control of their position in the water, meticulous and constant attention to the position and condition of their team members, clear underwater communication, and good dive planning and coordination their priorities. Further, you're on the same page about buddy positioning, gas management, and sharing task and responsibilities.
You can find all those things in other good divers. You just know, if you're diving with somebody who has committed to the DIR way of doing things, that those qualities will be there, at least as far as that diver has been able to develop them . . . and they're still working on it.
You can find all those things in other good divers. You just know, if you're diving with somebody who has committed to the DIR way of doing things, that those qualities will be there, at least as far as that diver has been able to develop them . . . and they're still working on it.