Technical divers use DIN because they are using high pressure tanks that exceed the stated capacity of a yoke connection. Also the knob on the yoke could create a entanglement hazard or get damaged in an overhead environment. However using a DIN to yoke adapter also creates the same hazards.
I am not attacking you but o-rings don't just blow. If your o-ring blew then I am sure that neither you nor the dive op inspected the o-ring, which most divers are not in the habit of doing. Another reason is the yoke was not attached to the tank properly, it sounds foolish but it can easily happen on a rocking boat.
Ok, so it's safer then by your own admission.
To assume I didn't put my reg on correctly is insulting. You know what they say about the person who assumes too much? To also assume I didn't inspect the o-ring is ignorant since you don't know me. I have spare o-rings on me, so I do take the 2 seconds it takes to look the o-ring over on every dive. The issue was that the steel 100 rental tank was overfilled and I didn't drain it to acceptable levels since I had never had a problem previously. With a higher rated connection, the chances of the blown o-ring would have been decreased.
So to assume, there's that word again, that all tanks fills will be only to the respected limits would be a false assumption. In fact, when it happened, I posted asking if anyone else would have dove the tank and everyone said yes. Moving to DIN makes *ME* feel safer and that's all that matters and I don't really have to justify it any further than that.