Wendy once bubbled...
Get the DIN and if you travel where you may run into yoke valves on tanks, get a DIN to yoke adapter, they are pretty cheap.
I prefer DIN connectors, as they are more secure. Rather than getting the adaptor, get both. Get the reg with yoke fitting and order the DIN adaptor separately, it cost about the same as the DIN to yoke converter.
There is a difference between the DIN Adaptor and the DIN to Yoke Converter.
The DIN adaptor requires that you remove the Yoke fitting with a wrench and replace it with the DIN adaptor.
The DIN to Yoke Converter connects by hand to a DIN adaptor on the 1st stage and connects to a Yoke tank valve.
Check out the Optional First Stage DIN Adapter description in the Apeks manual at http://www.sea-quest.com/pages/SQ_comm_techlib/SQ_comm_files/ApeksOM.pdf.
The converter causes the 1st stage to extend farther from the tank valve where it tends to hit me in the back of the head when I look up. Changing the connectors back and forth is simple with a wrench and an Allen Wrench. I carry the unused connector in the save a dive kit along with the required tools.