Finding the conversion kits (MK-10) and the adapters (AL) may be a bit difficult and no doubt expensive. Plus it then requires you to restore or buy more adapters if you travel with your regs. Why not take the alternative approch and replace the valves with yoke or yoke convertable valves? You did not say what the rated pressure of the tanks are but unless they are 4K (good luck getting them filled) there is no reason not to use modern yoke regs, any of them will easily handle 3500 psi.
Herman, where was this post 2 weeks ago?!

In any case, now I'll have both options available to me, though the conshelf doesn't have enough LP ports to use with my dry suit unless I add an adapter on one of the LP ports. Looking forward to diving it and seeing how it compares to the Mk10/G250.