@tmassey are those buoyancy characteristics for tanks in salt water? ~+2 positive when empty with valve for the Faber LP108s seems a little off, at least for freshwater.
I’ll say what I said in the tank specification thread: all of the details for all of the measurements are from the manufacturer, and the link where I found those specifications is included in the spreadsheet. You do have to be careful, because different manufacturers list their characteristics differently: with or without valve, completely empty or 500 psi, etc. That was why it was so important for me to only list information that could be tied directly back to a manufacturer-provided data set. That way, each person could examine the information and see how it applied to other tanks and their own needs.
Now as for whether any of that information is actually accurate: I have no clue, nor do I claim anything. You’re not the first person to disagree with what’s on those charts, nor will you be the last. I can’t tell you if it’s right, I can only tell you where it came from.
It was asking the kind of questions that you are asking that caused me to waste a day of my life in collecting and collating that chart. When I saw the differences and variations in manufacturer supplied information, I realized that it was impossible to try to be precise. And that is before you include the fact that air, Nitrox, oxygen and Trimix all work differently inside scuba tanks, and work differently at different pressures! (All is relative! Nothing is real!)
Seeing all that allowed me to relax about the tiny details of mathematical calculations surrounding scuba tanks, and focus much more about general characteristics that fit me more specifically: length, width, general capacity, etc. And then use the tanks that fit me the best, and let go of the tiny details.
So, for example, I use HP 120s because I prefer the trim characteristics and smaller cross-section over 130/104’s. I lose a little bit of gas. But, given real world gas characteristics, not as much as you would think. And if the difference between doing a dive and not doing it is the difference in gas between 120s and 130s, maybe I should just bring a stage bottle instead, and have a lot more gas!
Anyway, I know that doesn’t answer your question specifically. But it’s what I got!