Hi Gordon! (new Gordon!!)wrecktreker:Thank you all for the info. Also Gordon that should Confuse her because my name is Gordon also.
That is one of the most sought after services that we perform, so can we normally do it? YOU BET! We have actually added yet another additional digital download station in opur photo center, so we can do it for you, or you can do it your self, we have many options. HOWEVER........although electricity is restored to the entire island, the resort where we are located (La Ceiba Hotel) the lines that bring the electricity from the street to the hotel (and then to us) are still damaged and waiting on new equipment. SO....we are STILL closed, most likely until December 1st. Yep - we have had no income since the storm, so would I love to have your business? More than you can imagine! Can I help you while you are there? unfortunately no.
The crew office that was mentioned seems to be a good place, that is where we have been going to do all of our e-mail / internet stuff!!!!!
Thank you to everyone who recommended us - you know how much we love doing what we do - but until we get power - no can do.
Gordon (new Gordon!!) you can look on our web page for more info on all of our services for your NEXT trip to Coz!!!!!!!!!!!!!