I did lose a small yellow light with my initials in orange paint on the side at Lobos. It was a UK ELED Q40 on a lanyard. Might or might not be mine. I lost mine a while ago. As for returning lights, well I've returned a few, being burdened with the skills to find nearly anyone with minimal information. What goes around comes around. It's my opinion that character is what you are when no one is looking. I can't determine what another does, but I can damn sure determine what I do. If that person chooses to lessen who they are by such an act, so be it. To be greater only requires one more step than the next person. I feel sorry for that diver, to choose to be less. And if it was my light, well, if they are so small that a light makes them feel better, well, they are welcome to it. I feel pity for them, though.