I'm planning to go to Cozumel in the end of November for the first time, so no first-hand knowledge of the area. Booked a flight about a month ago, and been taking my time looking for hotels, leaning towards Hotel Cozumel based on the reviews I was able to find.
When I first looked at the prices a month ago, a 5 night stay at Hotel Cozumel with all inclusive prepaid option came out at $420 for room and meals. Four days of 2 tank trips was $344, for a very reasonable total of $764 before tips and other accidental expenses.
When I looked at Hotel Cozumel booking site today, the all inclusive option for those same 5 nights is now $1279. There is also some kind of "opening special" that would give me the same room with breakfast only for $499.80, but I'm trying to compare apples to apples. Besides, I wasn't planning on going downtown for lunch/dinner every day.
I understand the hotel was recently purchased by Wyndham, but c'mon, tripling the prices for the same rooms overnight?! Really?!
Is anybody else is looking at the rates now? I still hope that I somehow misread the numbers or something, otherwise the SB would have exploded by now.....
Also, if I am reading the numbers right, what would be my next option that would put me in the same ballpark budget wise (up to $800 for dive/stay/food?). I don't care much for fancy accommodations, but would prefer a dive op at (or very close) to the hotel, and food either at the hotel or within walking distance. I remember reading about Blue Angel, Casa Mexicana, and Scuba Club Cozumel - any of them would fit the profile?
If you want private diving or private DM, I could do $344 per person for four two tank dives. I've heard HC has gone crazy with pricing - there's so many options here...