Hi George
Oh, I wasn't blaming the DM at all. I loved the DM and am diving with him again on this trip to Cozumel. I am GLAD that we went, but we were two complete newbies at diving, (our certification dives were with this DM's instructor earlier that week) and I didn't even know anything about the dive site Devil's Throat. I didn't know then, what I know now, and placed complete trust in the DM's decision on which sites he was bringing us to. I didn't feel it was over my head when I dove it, but I am bringing my girlfriend to Cozumel in a few weeks, and she just finished her certification and certification dives this week, and I would NEVER consider bringing her to Devils Throat as a brand new diver!!! Again, the DM dove privately with my cousin and I all week, and saw how we handled progressively deeper and deeper dives, and saw that we were both relaxed, comfortable divers, otherwise, I'm sure he would have never taken us there. We didn't request that site, we knew nothing about it. But I'm well aware, that just because we were relaxed divers, and doing GREAT for brand new divers, we were still just that....brand new divers. Could we have handled an emergency in an overhung environment that deep? I'm glad we didn't have to find out.