Was at 125' when I came out. DM said before hand that some ppl. get hung up (psychologically) when they had to go down over the ledge then go up under the "lip". I didn't have any problem, but ppl. are different. I helped the lady in front of me get her octo. that was dragging (bad config.) unhooked from crevice in one of the tunnels. I dove it in the latter part of the week of my first ow trip after certification. Didn't know any better, thought that was just the way diving was done. Now I know.
We did ladder deco. on the way up. No one had any major problems, but with the overhead environment and depth I wouldn't recommend it for a first-timer. Too much "could" go wrong in the enclosed environment. How do you say "Proper training and experience"?
But I had a heck of a good time! Love Barracuda and San Juan too, talk about flying!!!