What keeps you from going beyond the cavern zone?
Your training
Look, reality is simple. If someone is taking cavern, why not take them somewhere they can "see temptation" for cave? Reality is they will not have an instructor holding their hand after cavern certification. Thus they need to be trainined to "know" when to stop their dive and turn around.
I had cavern training there, I found it very educational. It has what I considered a decent flow, it was a great place to experience flow at the floor and no flow at the ceiling. It definately reinforced the cavern zone for me. And, no that cave was not calling my name I had no desire to go there.
Yep we (cavern students) should receive training on the boundries of cavern, but that should be any cavern and I think that a well trained cavern diver would recognize right off that Devils Ear is a small cavern and short of practicing in a flow, you certainly are not going to see much since your at the boundary as soon as you get inside.
What happened to personal responsibilty for one's own choices to knowingly go beyond one's training?
I think accident analysis has already answered this question
You might as well blame OW instructors for the same thing when they take students on wall dives... I mean hell, they're training them in an environment where they "could" be tempted to go beyond training limits... :shakehead
I always thought that the biggest differences from ow/aow divers and a technical diver of any technical discipline were
1. training
2. not having to prove anything to anyone (check ego at the dock)
3. recognizing your level of experience and training and to dive within those limits
Yes ow divers go where they shouldn't go. We had a snorkler die this year going where he should not have been. But we are not ow divers.
IMHO the more training you have, the more you should be able to control that desire to exceed your training. Better yet, not to even have a desire to exceed that training or skill set. This should not be confused with one's desire to further oneself with training and experience.
I want divers to dive with me, not for me.
All of this said, I do believe that there is a cavern zone in Devils Ear, its just really small