I don’t know when it opens in the morning (I don’t think it opens before 7:00 a.m., but I could be wrong), but I used to grab some pastries from the Zermatt Bakery on Ave 5, about a block north of Wet Wendy’s - ham and cheese rolls are good, as are their sweet rolls - the night before, and grab a small bottle of OJ from the OXO down the street. Then, when I woke in the morning, I’d make coffee in my room, or get it from the hotel lobby, depending on where I was staying, and have coffee, OJ, and the pastries from Zermatt for breakfast. Not exactly a big breakfast, but I need something on my stomach before diving, and that did the trick. Plus, I’m an early riser, usually wide awake by 5:30 or 6:00, and it’s hard to find anything but an OXO open then.