Depression brought on by Diving

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He was weaned off his medication about three years ago. and since, he has been allowed to "Mature" physically. It seems that some medicines can delay the onset of puberty.
It disgusts me that such a medication would be given to a child. I question whether the doctor in charge of his treatment really had his best interests at heart. There is nothing more damaging to a child than being teased and ostracized by his peers for being different. Why in the world would a psychiatrist trap an inocent shild in extended pre-pubescence?

Jesus! His mother is a freakin' psychologist! How could she let that happen to her son???:eek:
Based on various observations that I have made, My guess is that 70% of the Mentally-Medicated individuals out there (that I have met) are medicated to Placate the parents or an institution. For example. ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) I was Diagnosed with a deficit disorder by the Florida Public School system when I was in Second grade. I was also sitting in the back of a 40-50 student classroom and could not see or hear the teacher. They removed me from the class and put me into a "Learning Disabilities" class and recommended that I be "Medicated." Lucky for me, My Guardians at the Time (Aunt and Uncle) did not believe in "Medication" of kids who only have an attention span of 10 minutes. After I moved out of the Florida System and into the California School system I was one of the more Brighter students. (smaller classroom - I could actually see and hear what was going on) I only spent Half the Year in the California School system. The other half of the school year was spent in a Elementry school in Frankfurt Germany. With the exception of Math, my test scores were above par.

I believe that most the kids who are Medicated for some type of disorder are incorrectly medicated. Many ADD kids probably don't have ADD just the symptoms which can be brought on by other things. BUT! Its easier to just Dole out the drugs then to find and solve the problem. I think that for the children of many psycologist parents, they are more likely to medicate. And that is what I am sure has happened with my friend.

Medication for the Sake of Medication is a Sore spot with me. I have seen it way too much.
Anything I might offer on dopamine and scuba would be conjectural as to the best of my knowledge no studies have been conducted on this issue.

Best regards.

Thanks! Your Insight and information has been very helpful!

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