Departure Tax from Honduras

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Dave Zimmerly

Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
# of dives
100 - 199
Can anyone tell me the current Departure Tax from Honduras? Be there in about 41 days.


Dave (aka "Squirt")
$32 Usd
Thanks Roatanman...I knew you would know.

Dave (aka "Squirt")
Dave Zimmerly:
Thanks Roatanman...I knew you would know.

Dave (aka "Squirt")

I have a "house account". :wink:
We were just in Belize and the $32 was included in our airline ticket price.

Belize aint Honduras.

I say that laughing.

And maybe not so much laughing.

In Belize, the insanity is very British.

In Honduras, it is a National obsession.

In Belize, you have "Jet" in the transfer lounge, coaxing you into his bar. You have ice cream and decently amusing duty free. You have a reasonably cool place to sit.

In Honduras (RTB, Roatan's Airport) you will get your flight out and it will be just as safe as Belize. There the similarity ends. The check-in is a daisy chain. Security is a mind numbing nightmare, but it keeps you occupied. Occasionaly there is superb coffee- get in line for it before they open. They have sodas (sometime) inside the secure lounge, sometimes on the other end- rarely both. Some of the best "junk" shopping can be found at RTB, sometimes the Rum is cheaper than anywhere but for the grocery stores. At RTB, as anywhere in the CA area, you will get hosed on cigars.

I have tried to get past the $32 (almost) final checkpoint with real honest to goodness Honduran Government Paperwork that stipulated that I, my associates, and anything I was carrying were to be passed without hinderance, duty or tarriff both now and forevermore (the local version of a "get out of jail free card") , and the $32 cops wouldn't budge.

It's always amusing.

This is not to say that you didn't get a Roatan departure tax pre-paid on a Belize connection ticket. Anything is improbable. :wink:
There is also a 5 dollar "inspection" thing going on there now. Now no one charged me for it and my bags were inspected with a fine tooth comb. My buddy a few people behind me in line holds up a 20 dollar bill and says loudly "can anyone help me get through this quickly" and of course his bags don't get inspected and he goes to the front of the line.

Maybe that's the inspection tax?
Gotta love capitalism.

That sounds like their version of our "TSA Frequent Flyer ID". It was issued by the US Government, yes?
I remember arguing with the airline from San Pedro Sula to La Ceiba as they insisted we pay the international departure tax. I said, "but we aren't leaving the country!" and they suddenly couldn't understand English. My buddy tried it in Spanish and we got the same tolerant silence. We moved along, happy to see cold Salva Vida in the secure waiting area.

Funny place.

Sea ya!
My dad sailed his boat to the Abacos and they tried to make him pay a "re-entry tax" to the US of A. Well, he raised all kinds of hell bleating how he was a taxpayer and he was not paying any damn tax to get into his own GD country when they were letting boatloads of Hatians in, etc, etc. My mom says they let him in just not have to deal with him. :42: :soapbox:

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