Denise's very own NONSENSE THREAD

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:confused: What is a job?

It's like.. when you do stuff you wouldn't normally do, and someone after a while says "Here, have some money.", and then it's kinda like heroin, you know... cos you don't really wanna be doing that... you'd rather be diving and stuff... but you keep coming back for more money.
It's like.. when you do stuff you wouldn't normally do, and someone after a while says "Here, have some money."

You can't imagine what thoughts you just put in some people's minds....
I'm not really sure... I'll let you know when I figure it out.

I suppose you would need classes to fully understand the difference. :D
I'll do cavern and intro to cave with Chipola Divers in Marianna, and probably spend most of my two weeks up there. Would really like a trip to Pensacola and dive the Oriskany too though, and perhaps see some more of the gulf while I'm there. Suggestions?

You'll have to announce when you're in town. I'll come that way, and buy you lunch.

I gave up diving shortly after meeting denise.

I realized I never wanted to encounter THAT underwater.
Sounds great! :D I'll let you know as soon as the flight is booked so you have time to quit your jobs and go diving instead. :)

Why would I do that?

I work at a state park in FL, we have 3.2 miles of undeveloped beach, over 1600 acres of conservation woodlands. I get paid to hang out in a place people pay good money to visit.

What more could I ask for?

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